But barely, for me! Ugh. I think I have decided I'm going to retire here. Never move again. Just live vicariously through everyone else for anything that I am missing in my life. This move nearly killed me (okay, maybe I'm exaggerating). Even though it was twenty steps away it takes a lot packing up a whole household! Then the cleaning. Oh yea..and those stairs I mentioned earlier? I hate them! I despise them! On the last day of the move I was spitting on them. Lol! I counted the steps. Thirty-two steps to get to the top floor where the bedrooms are at. I can't tell you how sore I was at the end of the move. I was sore in places I never knew could GET sore! I gotta say, though, the cats are loving it. Quincy had one of his spaz moments and ran down the stairs so fast I was sure he would be tumbling, a big orange fur ball tumbling, towards the bottom. I don't think he realized how fast he was going. Lol!
BUT, despite the two days that I was near death....I am feeling good these days. A little different to be in a three story place....not knowing what's downstairs when I'm upstairs. Hearing more sounds at night. But my boy Quincy will protect me. Yep...my fireball of a handsome boy. Who am I kidding? He'll be the first to run under the covers. Lol! Hmm..come to think of it no different than the men I've been with in my life (but I digress). Oh yes and all of a sudden the kitties have a new fun habit. Oh it's so fun you can't even imagine. Ask mom! In the middle of the night I'll hear a faint...bang, bang, bang. I lay in bed motionless. First I'm trying to figure out what floor it's coming from. Second, trying to figure out which cupboard someone is trying to open with their sweet little paws; and third, deciding if I need to get up to traipse down the thirty steps just to scold someone. So, I choose the fourth, turn over, whip the blankets over my head and go to sleep. :)
Here are a few pictures. I warn you not much decorating yet! I'll post more later! Thank you all for your well wishes. I was a bit burned out the past few days to post. I'm now getting ready to fly home next week. I will be more active after the holidays as I've said before. It's been one crazy year-end. However, I will be by to visit you all the next few days....promise!!
My new enemy...
A few small touches in the kitchen...
Quincy: Oh mom...that was way too much work watching you go up and down those stairs. Next time can you do it where I can't see because it just exhausts me and kinda hurts my neck.
A warm fireplace for sore feet.
Let's see.....the nightstand is the same, the bed feels the same. What just happened?
We're all good. The cat bed is still here.

My canopy bed. Not decorated the way I want but had to throw a few things together quickly to feel somewhat at home. I picture more and more billowy sheers all around and above me.
Hi mom!

You can't see the other side of this big room in the picture but there is a place perfect for a vintage vanity. :) I think I will go for the elegant 1940's look with that. Oh but ONLY after I get rid of at least thirty things! Two things you never realize until you move. How much junk...woops...things you have and how you failed to dust in certain places!