Isn't this a sweet photo? Look at how curious he is, all big eyed and bushy tailed. Normally we take walks around eleven or midnight...but this day I thought I would try and take him for a walk to the mailbox which is only a few yards away AND during the lighter hours. He was being so brave and I proudly walked him like dog. We reached the mailbox and I proceeded to open it up. He sat like a good boy..... eyes humongous at the different sounds during the day until...that one little leaf rustled by him and then...it was like the world had ended!
Quincy jumped so high and backed out of his leash. I didn't even know what hit me. Mail was flying everywhere, my hand now carrying an empty leash. Quincy was like a blur! I was like a blur running after him like a crazy cat lady screaming out his name, running as fast as I could after him (oh my God, I hope no one saw me). Thankfully Quincy ran straight for the condo door and tried to scratch a hole through it to get in. Lol! When I came upon him he got a little scared and ran the other direction but as fast as he turned around I opened the door and he darted in and up the stairs!
Phew! That was enough for five hair raising minutes, we both had to rest the entire afternoon after that but we survived. :)
So much for looking fashionably trendy walking my cat. I'm not doing that again for a long time.