Monday, June 15, 2009

Like a Bowl Full of Cherries....

You each were thrown into a bowl for me to pick (and some of you even twice)! Actually, Emma picked. Lol! I always try to have one of my fur babies pick a giveaway winner. They can't help themselves when they see a bowl full of "loose fun things to play with". :) So...the winner is....

JEN!! Jen at Guinevere's Folly has won the giveaway!! Oh how I wish I could send each and every one of you something because you are such loyal blog friends. I may have giveaways more often so there are more chances for you all. It brings me such joy to have giveaways and, just GIVE in return. :)

Congrats, Jen! Please drop me a line and send me your home address so I can send you all your goodies. I know Raggedy Anne farm edition will find a great home with all your beautiful dolls you make! If you haven't seen the talent of Jen, you must swing by. She is an awesome artist! :)

My back is feeling better today. Chiropractic appointment is Wednesday...but a very odd discovery. I was actually bitten on my arm this weekend by something and Sunday my arm became very swollen. That day was the day I felt horrible with a headache and tight muscles in my back and arms. I'm wondering if I had an allergic reaction to some sort of poisonous spider or insect bite because the swelling went down today and my back felt better. Isn't that the oddest thing? I'm still going to the chiropractor though! I know, I know...I probably should have gone to the doctor or urgent care but I seroiusly thought it was just a mosquito bite. Well, I'm still alive so that's all that matters to me. :)


Anya said...

It sounds like a allergic Michelle!
I should go to the doktor if I was you ;)
Take care........

purss to all
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)

debra@dustjacket said...

Mmmm is does sound like an allergic reaction honey - shoot I had to retype this 3 times cause of mistakes and I've only had one glass of wine ... xxx

Zaroga said...

Congrats to Jen!

I'm so glad you are feeling better!

Kathleen said...

Congratulations to Jen...what a lucky girl! Glad to hear you are feeling better, hugs, Kathleen

Caroline said...

Good to hear that you are feeling better, but maybe you should run the whole thing past a doctor!
Loved the look of the cookbook in your last post.

Maggi said...

Goodness, I'm glad you're feeling better! And congrats to the winner!!

blushing rose said...

Glad the 'boo-boo' is gone ... never hesitate to go to a Dr. immediately w/swelling like this ... TTFN ~Marydon

LuLu Kellogg said...

YIKES Michelle! I hope it was not a spider bite but I sure am glad you are better!


Randi Troxell said...

Congrats Jen and i'm glad your back feeling better!

Poppy Cottage said...

Congrats to Jen! What a cute blog she has.

Those cherries look yummie ;)

I am sooo glad you are feeling better!!

Funky Junk Sisters said...

Sorry you couldn't make it to our show. We were looking for you. We did get a chance to meet many bloggers.
The vendors products and displays were over the top! You will have to check out the pics on our blog.
Hope you are feeling better soon!

Linda & Dixie

Noodlegirl said...

Hey gosh see how behind I am I missed your giveaway post waaaaaaaaa! Love cherries and am so glad you are feeling better

theUngourmet said...

How strange! I hope you continue to improve!

Love the cherries!

Anonymous said...

Such Beautiful

I'm really glad that you're feeling a bit better... I'll hold lots of good thoughts for you and soon you'll be right back to feeling like your "old" self!

Hope this week is wonderful for you...

~hugs 'n prayers~

Four Paws and Co said...

That's so scary Michelle! It does sound like an allergic reaction. Let us know what the chiropractor says.

Congratulations to Jen!

☺♥☺ Diane

jen said...

Thanks so much, Michelle!!
I'll be waiting by the mailbox!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your arm!!Be careful...and see a doctor.
I hope you feel better soon!!


Heather said...

wow that's pretty scary about the bite. you may want to call your doctor anyway and let them know. they may or may not want to see you but they should probably know about it. glad it seems to be getting better though. and congrats to the give away winner!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Jen!! (I'm still thinking I'll get Quincy in the mail as my consolation prize...although to me, he'd be the grand prize!).

Glad to hear your back is better, but you really need to get that bite/sting looked at. Do you remember my horrible experience last summer?