If they make it. My mother and step father started their adventure today of driving from Southern California, through Portland and on to Canada. I pray that they are safe on these cold winter roads. I am starting to get ready and and making sure even the small touches make them feel comfortable. :)

I am going to bake some cookies for them to take on the road. I will post more pictures later! Oh yes, I am learning to put chains on my car today. Wish me luck! I don't even know if my car is front wheel drive or rear wheel drive. Guess I better figure that out first. Ha!
Also, I want you all to know what I gave up while writing this post. My breakfast! Oh well....darn I guess I will have to make pancakes now. :)

Oh the cats are too cute and that breakfast is nasty lol! Blogspot is freezing on me I can't put pics it stops half way so annoying!
Ahh good luck wiht your company please take pictures and show us! I got my snow pics up but it is so tiny I can't enlarge it this is just not my day is it!
I've been "blog surfing" so couldn't tell you how I came across your blog exactly, but here I am, and wanted to say hello and tell you that I had a cat named Quimby who looks similar to your Quincy! Love that crimpy fur. Quimby had it on his belly, too!
your kitties are adorable, that's some marvelous snow you have got out there too! were u intending to grill pineapples for breakfast? or maybe nectarines?
Oh we got snow too! Isn't it great to have a White Christmas?
I got 4 new tires so I don't worry so much about driving in the snow.
Your cats are so beautiful! Do they get along well?
Enjoy your family time. Nice touch sending them off with cookies.
i love the LOVE mugs! i wish i had those!
I love the snow tipped kitty fur! I hope you have a great time with your mom and stepdad!
I hope you have a nice visit with your parents. I like the view from your balcony, just enough snow to make it beautiful. Your cats crack me up.
We have a dog door that the cat has learned to use now by watching the dog lol. For years she would get outside and trying to chase her was a game. Now, I can leave the front door open and she just sits there looking out. The thrill is gone. lol
I love the mugs! Thanks for stopping by Willow Decor! Have a wonderful holiday!
xxx-Gina :)
Oh Michelle, I love all the little touches you have done to make your home welcoming. I had my family over yesterday and really didnt' take too many pics, but we had a good time and my sister-in-law gave me a great compliment on my home.. "it was so cozy". We had a wonderful time and I hope yours is as well... blessings to you and your family.( Pancakes sound better than a bagel anyway)
Mocha is this close to stealing my heart from Quincy, but fear not Quincy, I'll still love you, you big fluffy, silly cat! LOL!
I'll be thinking of your mom and stepdad on their trip!
Good luck with figuring out the chains (I'd be totally lost too). I just realized I don't even know where you live!
OK, duh, I just checked your profile...Oregon! I love Oregon, esp the coast. Hmmm, maybe on our next trip to Vancouver, I can persuade dh to drive down a couple of states and capnap Quincy...bwahahahahaha!
Michelle...I love your comfy, cozy posts...they make me smile.
love the trees - i have something similar from michaels.
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