I had a wonderful overnight visit with my mom and step dad, although it was quick. They will hopefully be able to stop by again when they come back through from Canada. We had a nice dinner, opened presents and just relaxed. Oh yes, duh...we forgot to take pictures! :( This morning I made them crescent rolls and brewed some cinnamon almond coffee from Ghiradelli! It was so delicious! They left around 9:30 a.m. and they are already safe in Canada! Yay!! I stayed home today from work (worked from home) because it was still snowing! Did I try to put my chains on? Heck no. :) They decided to close our offices around 3:00 and so I made cookies after that. :) These aren't as remedial as the ones I made before. Hehe! I put the bird cakes out so the birds weren't starving, then they all came and started fighting over it. Eeek!

Sugar cookies....

Hope you all are staying warm! It's COLLLLLLD out there. Well, where I am. :)
Sounds like we did the same thing. My family came and went on Sunday and we enjoyed the visit very much. We also only opened for work today at noon. I wish that I didn't go in at all. I was in a blue christmas mood.. missing my family already. But went shopping.. always better.. your cookies look great and hope your doing well.. take care.. Merry Christmas..
Where did your parents go in Canada? We are snowed in here in Toronto. BTW, i'm impressed you watched the Holiday 5 times!Merry Christmas!
Sandy xox
Tracey, I know what you mean. I am already missing my mother (we are very close). She was texting me while they were driving to Canada saying she missed me already. :( But as you say, shopping cures everything! :)
Hey Sandy,
They went to some very small town (I can't even remember the name of it) about 4 hours east of Vancouver. They are driving an Escaclade and it actually does pretty good in the snow. It's a heavy car. Merry Christmas!!
Oh my, I just love the snow covered grounds outside your window. My brother-in-law lives in CoQuille they have alot of snow right now too.
Hey Melody!
It's beautiful isn't it? But I'm already tired of it! I should say tired of being stuck inside. I'm getting cabin fever. At least it's keeping me from shopping! Ha!
Your cookies look precious! Stay warm!
Sounds like you had a nice visit !
Such crazy weather everyone is having, stay warm and have a wonderful Holiday!!
your sugar cookies look awesome! i am so jealous. mine NEVER look like that, lol. i'm glad you had a nice visit with your mom & step dad! i'm still waiting for you to send me some of your snow.. push it east please!
Yup, we on the opposite coast from you got snow too. 2 storms in 3 days but oh how beautiful and we'll have a white Christmas. Of course the wind chill is 8 degrees. Brrr!
Your cookies look adorable. I love that blue icing! Not remedial at all!
Oh cookies look good I am so grossed out with myself I been eating like I am pregnant with twins!
Oh it started to snow again here tonight I am gettin tired of it too nothin to do but stay in give me summer time anyday!
Hi, I found your blog through Between Naps on the Porch--I was lured by Chocolate and Marmalade tea. I hope you don't lose power...but the pictures are heavenly. Loved your cookies.
Happy holidays,
My mouth is watering!
Those cookies look yummy!
Merry Christmas.
Warm Hugz,
I am so glad that your parents arrived safely to Canada. Talk about being cold. Brrrr!
I have to tell you, you are one of my most favorite blogging buddies. Thank you for coming into my life this year.
Wishing you a very merry Christmas.
Glad you had a good visit and will pray for your mom and step-dad as they travel.
The cookies look wonderful!
Merry Christmas!
Can you believe our weather? The most snow in 40 years. It's beautiful out there - but COLD. The cookies look great. Love the frosting colors you used.
Beautiful cookies! Makes me hungry, and I just had lunch.
Glad you had a nice, if brief, visit with your mom and step-dad, and also glad to hear they're safely in Canada!!
Those cookies looked good with a christmas feeling. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.
Your sugar cookie trees are darling. I really like that mint green color.
I made cream cheese sugar cookie stars yesterday...we call them, "star of Bethlehem" cookies. I don't frost them, rather dust them with sifted powder sugar. They just melt in your mouth.
Your snow covered home and trees is heavenly. And kitties so sweet.
Glad you had a nice visit with your mom and step dad. Sounds like they made some good time back to Canada. I'm thinking about heading down to Sellwood this weekend now that the snow is gone (yay!!). I NEED to visit Justin & Burks. Have you ever been there Michelle? It's such an enchanting store! And I always hit the STARS malls too. I LOVE Oregon for shopping with the NO sales tax!!
I'm in trouble now. I just went to Justin and Burkes website....yes, I'm in big trouble! I may head down there myself!
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