Yesterday evening Jim (my ex....but still not wanting to be my ex...gotta admit he has been a sweetheart lately) and I went to the zoo to see Zoolights! Every year they deck the zoo out in tons of Christmas lights and they extended the dates because of the winter storm that recently came through Portland. This is my first visit to Zoolights. Everyone has been telling me I need to go. It was a mild evening (42 degrees...if you can call that mild) so it was nice. Still, the first thing Jim did was get us both hot cocoas topped with whipped cream. I mean you know, he knew I didn't have enough sweets this holiday season. ;)
Double the whip cream and I'm in a dream!

Entrance to the zoo....

Beautiful archway....


Stacked animals, too cute....

Conservation sign....

Rest assured these are fake and not stuffed. :)

We felt like kids again and rode the train....

Inside the train looking out at the lights shaped like animals, okay I really feel like a kid now....

I love this snake wrapped around a tree....

I was explaining to this wolf that I had no idea where the three little pigs were then he started smelling me like I was raw meat or something! Okay, that was kinda weak. I never said I was a comedian.

I swear this guy had this goat trained using one of those clicker things. Every time he clicked it the goat would turn in a circle to get his treat. I want one!! Goat, not treat.

I shoved all the kids out of the way so I could get a good shot of these animals at the petting zoo....and I am NOT a bully!

Okay all, here is the Cream Cheese Sugar Cookie Recipe! You will love it! I've always liked it better than the regular sugar cookie recipe.
1 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 c. butter
1 (3 oz. ) pkg. cream cheese
1/2 tsp. almond extract
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 egg yolk
2 1/4 c. flour
Combine and blend all ingredients except flour. When well mixed add flour. Chill for a couple of hours. Roll 1/3 of the dough at a time 1/4 inch thick. Cut with cookie cutters and place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 7-10 minutes or until just edges are light brown. Makes 5-6 dozen.
Simple, easy and delicious!
That looks like such good fun you had in the zoo-derland! Happy holidays to you and yours and have a great year ahead in 2009!
Wonderful zoooooooo very nice place
and I gonne make the cookies, I can read the recept ;)
I love the lights at the zoo!! We don't have anything like that in Maine.It seemed like the perfect night.. he just might be coming around.:) Glad you had so much fun and I am going to try your cookie recipe for a party tomorrow night.Happy New year Michelle,,
Our Zoo decorates too, but never been there for the Christmas lights. Maybe next year.
Come to Georgia one Christmas and go to Callaway Gardens and see their Fantasy In Lights. We hope to go back one year.
I'll have to pull this up on the other computer so I can print the recipe out. I love sugar cookies and I love cream cheese! Thank you for sharing the recipe.
What a wonderful evening you had. Who dosen't love hot chocolate with whipped cream. The lights are just stunning. THe snake light has got to be my favorite. Glad those bears are stuffed, they are mighty big. Kathleen
My kids, when they were younger, would have totally loved the Zoolights!
You can almost forgive a guy most things when he gets you hot chocolate with double whipped cream! ;)
I'll have try that cookie recipe...sounds fab!
Happy 2009, Michelle! xo
We have lights at our zoo too but they don't do much with it. They light up the buildings. Yours are so much nicer.
Looks like it was a fun time. Ex's are sometimes hard to let go of-especially this time of year.
looks like the zoo lights was a lot of fun! i think i'm going to try your cream cheese sugar recipe next time i make cookies :)
Michelle that looks like sooo much fun!!( And the hot cocoas look luscious!) We have something like it at my local zoo also. I've never gone before but I certainly will next year! And may I ask why is Mr Jim an ex? He seems to be pretty wonderful *winks* Hmmmm the test would be in installing those new french doors...dontcha think? Lol! Ya know you could put some prety lacey drapes on the inside of the french doors and use your closet for a bedroom AND storage. There's just something about a set of french doors....They always seem to open to something wonderful *winks* And girlfriend, THANK YOU for sharing that sugar cookie recipe! I know what I'm going to be doing later! Vanna
Cream cheese sugar cookies! Yum! Those lights look so cool. We have a lighting trail in Austin similar to that caleld the trail of lights.
Hi Michelle! Fun getting caught up on your blog! My, all the cookies look heavenly!!! Wishing you a very Happy New Year dear!
Hahaha.... you like the pictures so much that you never seen the translator??
Thats very funnyyyy ;)
Have a nice day :)
great pictures! that looks like so much fun. i love things like that.
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