One thing I'm excited about is I found my two favorite ornaments I have been looking for! For all you dessert lovers out there, check these out! I almost want to eat them but I though I'd spare cutting up my mouth. Ignore the tag on the second picture and how overexposed the white chocolate is. I couldn't get a good shot without the flash! Grrrr!
Next on the agenda, sweet, sweet Melissa over at Sunbonnet Cottage gave me an award! It's the Christmas Spirit Award! She is one of my favorite blogging buddies. She always has such nice things to say to everyone and I can tell she has the sweetest heart. Thank you so much, Melissa! You deserved this award. Here are the rules: Good manners dictate thanking (and linking to) the person who gave you the award. Then simply list five things you love about Christmas and pay the meme forward by tagging as many people as you'd like to. To keep the Christmas spirit flowing, be a good sport and tag at least one person.

1. At the top of my list is getting together with family and friends. I think that is most important to me. I love gifts but they really aren't as important as just spending good quality time with those you are closest to. :)
2. FOOD! Ohmigod, GOOD FOOD! I think Christmas gives us a chance to excuse ourselves from all those torturous (is that a word) diets. I love baking, cooking and eating food during the holidays. Nothing will stop me!
3. Bundling up in warm clothes with mittens, sweaters and scarves. I love being all bundled up in cold weather and going out to look at lights with some comforting hot apple cider or hot chocolate and good friends/family to join in.
4. Decorating the home with Christmas spirit! I love decorating and making my home look cozy during this time of year. I think it goes hand in hand with good food and good company.
5. The Nutcracker Suite. What can I say? It's my favorite ballet and it only comes once a year so I wait all year to see it either on TV or on stage. :)
I am passing this along to....
I also have another previous award to give away. I will do that tomorrow! Still trying to catch up with things!
Last but certainly not the least I WON MY FIRST GIVEAWAY!! I am so, so extremely excited about this because I had been entering giveaways but haven't won anything. :( I won the most beautiful pair of angel wings made by the artistic and adorable Kelly at Southern Fried Cupcakes. Aren't these adorable? Thank you so much, Kelly!! I will hang them on the inside of my front door so angels are protecting me and my little cottage. :) Kelly is so artistic. Please take the time and visit her to see what other surprises she has made and to take in her beautiful, whimsical blog! I always feel like I'm in a fairytale when I visit her. :) Here are those beautiful wings I won.

Well, that's it for this evening. Snuggle up and keep warm!
OMG they look so good! Wow I cannot believe it is snowing that much at your area!!
How is it over in Ashland?
Thank you so much, Naval! Merry Christmas to you as well! I hope you have a wonderful and fruitful holiday season! :)
Merry Chrismtas and congrats on your win and awards. Stay safe and warm!
Congrats on your deserved award and your time off! Looks like it's gonna be a good year for you already :)
Happy holidays and all the best in '09!
Very nice blog you have:)
Beautiful cats you have and gratulations with your award !!
MerrXmas and very match snow fun ;)
Michelle, congrats on your award and thank you so much!! Your a wonderful person with a very sweet spirit. I'm glad I found you in blogland...stay safe and Merry Christmas...Tracey
Congrats! I would be dying. I'd have to venture out in the snow and find a gym. Merry Christmas! :)
congrats on the award! and congrats on your first win too! how nice!!! your two favorite ornaments are super cute and totally look real in the pictures, lol! i can see why you have to hold yourself back from taking a bite! Have a great Christmas tomorrow!
We have tons of snow here too! Merry Christmas darling!
P.S Who is Naval? He sent me a Christmas card too?!?!
Sandy xox
Awww thank you Michelle! Merry Christmas to you as well. And congrats on the giveway--aren't they fun?
I hope you like all that snow. I know I'm already done with winter and ready for hot summer. ha ha
Have a wonderful Christmas, and Christmass kisses to those kitties of yours.
Congrats on the award and winning your first giveaway!! Will you wear those wings and post a photo for us? ;)
I can see why those are your fav ornaments! Food and festivities...can't get better than that.
The ornaments are so cute - you have such great taste. The angel wings are cute too. Congrats on the deserve it. Happy holidays.
Hi Michelle,
Cute ornaments, that strawberry looks delish! Congrats on the award and the giveaway. I so agree with you on the food and the warm snuggly sweaters.
Have a wonderful Christmas... I do think this is my last comment until after Christmas... off to wait for Santa!
Those ornaments are adorable. Happy holidays!
What a sweetie you are!
I soooo love your blog .. the kitties are beyond precious. And those pin-up girls always make me smile. ;-}
Stay WARM and Safe ~
My Very Best To You ~
Aww congrats on your award and your lovely gifts! And those ornaments look good enough to eat! Vanna
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