Sunday, February 22, 2009

Finally Feeling Better

This thing kicked my rear! I don't remember the last time I had anything so icky. Today I am feeling better. My cough has finally subsided so the last two nights I slept 12 hours each night. Had to catch up on some much needed sleep. :) Anyway, just a few pretties for today. My new Victoria magazine came! This one has a wonderful article on ferns. :)

Quincy kept a close eye on me. Mocha has been a little under the weather lately also so she didn't want her picture taken.

Also, there's a new bunny in town. :)

He caught sight of the beautiful white rabbit. Don't they make a cute couple? :)

Finally getting out a bit and I'm anxious to head off to the shelter. I will be by to visit you all today. I need to get caught up on what everyone else has been up to!

Happy Sunday!


Debra from Bungalow said...

Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. Being sick is no fun! Take care, DebraK

AndreaLeigh said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better. try to enjoy your sunday.

♥Mimi♥ said...

I ad♥re your kitty-catty's, just too cute for words. I'm happy to know that your kitties have thoughts like my kitties. I think some people don't understand that animals can have deep thoughts. Too bad, some of them are really profound!

Anya said...

Finally you feel a little beter :))
That is good news, we have missed you in blog world HEHE
Enjoy your sunday thats very important, you need that :)

Kareltje do also not like when I make a photo, Mocha also ( nice couple,belong together ) LOL

Take care, see you soon :))

Anonymous said...

Ohh Michelle, I'm really glad to hear that you're feeling so much better... Bless your heart...

Years ago I used to get Victoria magazine... wish I had a subscription, still... Loved every page of every issue! Your Bunnies are Sweet! Always nice to see photos of your Babies... Quincy is beautiful. I'm sorry that Mocha isn't feeling well... poor fur-baby...

I got a tickle from today's Pin-Up choice... ~smiles~ ... Do enjoy the end of the weekend...
God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


vanillasugarblog said...

I love that feeling of finally feeling better after such a dreadful cold. YAY you!
Don't do too much, ok?
I'm shopping online for my next fabulous purchase of high thread count sheets! Time to spoil me for a change. Yay.

jen said...

Hello Michelle!
I'm so very happy you're feeling better!
I don't know about you, but I'm not a good patient!!
Please enjoy today...have a little tea...and take a deep breath!!
Spring is on its way, the bulbs will be showing their pretty faces really soon...and all will be right with the world!!


Heather said...

that's great you are starting to feel better and get back to your normal self! don't over-do it too quickly though! Happy Sunday to ya!

lvroftiques said...

Michelle I'm so glad you're finally feeling a little better! You sure have had this thing for a while. Hope you've kicked its butt now!
Your new bunny is wonderful! And looks fab with your white bunny! Reminding me that I need to get ready for Easter! I'm always a day late and dollar short *winks* But by golly! I'm gonna do something cute like you have for Easter this year! Give that Mr. Quincy a cuddle for me K? He's such a good nurse. And after reading the post on your litle brother I went digging for pics of my hubby when he was little. I'm telling ya they are the spiting image of each other! Haircut and all! And they are 15 yrs apart in age! Do you have a Japanese heritage Michelle? My hubby is half Japanese. And he's very handsome too! *winks* Also I have a little award for ya over at my place. Stop by if you get a minute. Vanna

Zaroga said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better... sounds like you had that nasty cough like Frank and I had a few weeks ago. I thought the coughing would never end.

I've enjoyed catching up on your blog. You have such great pictures, adventures, friends.. including furry ones.

Your blog is always a fun read.

Lorri said...

Happy you are feeling better! I have the same chocolate bunny at my house! Cant wait to see the new Victoria mag. It has always been a favorite of mine. Happy week to you.

lvroftiques said...

Ummm Michelle, I dare to differ with ya! You do wonderful vignettes! And have a great eye as well! I however do not have that "vignette gene" I do have a way with antiques though *winks* I can usually spot some cool stuff for cheaps! The farm chicks show looks interesting. It's in Spokane in June and my brother lives near there so I'll go if you do! *winks* And the Portland antique expo is March 7th and 8th. I ALWAYS find something super cool at that show! And almost always 30 seconds after I walk through the door! Lol! So I for sure want to go to that one! Maybe we could meet up there? I'm so thrilled that you're a halfer too! *winks* Not to be biased....(sssshhhh don't tell anybody, but I AM a little *winks*) That mix is absolutely stunning!! I'm gonna find that pic of my hubby! You'll get such a kick out of it!

Tracey said...

Michelle, glad your getting out. I did today for a bit. I'm still feeling terrible. Glad I work for a doctor.. going to go to work tomorrow,,but definetly getting checked again. Have a good night.

April said...

I am so glad that things are finally looking up for sure have been through the mill!

Tea Time With Melody said...

Great! Your feeling better. I hate being sick and when it is raining and gray outside it makes it gloomy. Let's hope for some sunny days this week.

The Blonde Duck said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! Are the bunnies going to have a love story? Scandelous!

Monica said...

Glad you are better, Michelle!
I have just received my cupy of Victoria too, love it!
And love love love your furry friend and your bunnies!
Take care,

Joanne Kennedy said...

I'm sorry you have been sick! But, I'm happy you are feeling better.

Don't over do it to fast. You don't want to have a relapse.

I've been searching for that new magazine and have not found it yet. I hate having to go to the book store but I may have to. I should just subscribe to the magazines I love, Romantic Homes, Tea Time & Victoria so I don't have try to hunt them down.


Debra Howard said...

So glad you are feeling better. I haven't found my copy yet.

Seawashed said...

I am so jealous! You got the new Victoria. I have been looking for it everywhere. I don't have a subscription yet and it is soooooo hard to find in the stores. It looks like a pretty issue, is it?