But first I'd like to start out by saying thank you to Koleen at Angels, Rabbits and Roses. I received my giveaway I won. This is the sweetest little cupid and heart pin. My heart blushed when I opened the package. I love it Koleen! Thank you!
It will be here with my angel wings until I wear it. :)

Also, to my cat blogging sister Anya over at Kareltje en ikke!, thank you for these two awards!! We share so much about how we love our cats. Anya is such a good friend to me. If we lived closer I told her my cats could have play dates with her cat Kareltje. :)

Jim was a sweetie and cheered me up with a box of Valentine's Day chocolates a sweet card with a love letter written in it and a Starbucks card. He knows I would rather have a Starbucks card than jewelry. ;) There's a bunch of chocolates with punched in bottoms. It's terrible but that's how I choose my chocolate. I couldn't eat too many because chocolates aren't good for migraines. I feel so terrible. I wasn't even well enough to get him anything. I will definitely make it up to him!

I spent the rest of the weekend with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers
Hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day weekend! Oh, don't let the song fool you. I wasn't in Heaven all weekend. It's the first Fred Astaire song I could think of to go along with my pictures. ;)
Wow! What a bummer, another migraine!
I have been there tho...because every 2 weeks the hormones go heywire! Ain't life grand! :) I, myself am entertaining the flu this fine 3 day weekend! I am such a good employee that I always manage to get sick on the weekend!
Feel better!!
M ^..^
I do not know what to say !!!
You call me cat sister, I'm blushing :D
I have only one brother and now also a sister HEHE LOL
That's very sweet of you :)) Thanks!!!!!!
You're a good friend and person :)
it is so difficult for me to find the right words in English HEHE
but fortunately you can read, let not on the errors ;P
I hope you feel better now :))
And the bunch of chocolates, that chocolate looks very nice and delicious, the water passes through my mouth, I get hungry HEHE
See you soon =^.^=
Hope your migranes are all gone away! Thanks for visiting me...come back soon! Just love your blog! blessings,Kathleen
I don't get migraines, but my son does...I can definitely sympathize with you. Glad you are feeling better.
hope you're feeling better sis! I love those little shabby buckets:)
you poor thing! i hope your migraines go away for a long time. how miserable they are!
i'm so sorry you weren't feeling well this weekend. migranes are the worst! please feel better soon, chica.
email me at andrearhouse at yahoo dot com if you want to chat about my ghost experiences. :)
So sorry you didn't feel very well for Valentine's Day! Hope you're much better today!
Did you get a chance to read my post about The Senath Light? I can't believe you've heard about it!
Sorry about your migriane, but it sounds like you were well cared for. Here's to a good start to your week!
Michelle, hope you feel better soon, my sister Tracey has been sick too! Come on guys, the weather is getting better.....get well soon! Hugs, Kathleen
I hope you feel better soon.
Let that sweet boyfriend of yours just take care of you.
Hi Michelle!
Glad you were able to read my "Senath Light" post! No, the light wasn't held by anything...it just appeared at the end of a long, dark road. Then, in a flash, it barreled right toward the front of my car and came to a stop. It began changing colors and it dropped closer to the ground and started spinning...then, it went out! Scariest thing I've ever had happen to me! I think you can GOOGLE it for additional information.
Oh Michelle! I used to have terrible migraines....It had something to do with my hormones. I had to have a hysterectomy for another reason and suddenly my migraines went away. But I know exactly how you feel!
Thanks for ordering my How To Mosaic Ebook! I have sent it to you. I would love to see a picture of your finished product!
Hi Michelle! Hope you are feeling better. I know migranes are rough! I'm so glad the pin got to you safely. I always worry when I put something in the mail nowadays, wondering if it's gonna get there in one piece or get there at all. Hope you enjoy it!
I hope you are feeling better by now. No fun getting those migraines. Just tell those migraines to go away and never come back!
Despite your headache, it still sounds like you had a pretty nice Valentine's! Wish you could have felt better though.
I used to watch Fred and Ginger films all the time...I love their moves! :)
Feel all better soon!!
Michelle, I hope you are feeling better today, Monday. My friend whom we spend this weekend with gets migraines too and sometimes she even takes morphine! I hope yours are not that bad. Take care!
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