Friday, February 20, 2009

Sick, Sick, Sick....Cough, Cough, Cough...Neverending Cough

I seem to have gotten worse. The doctor thinks I may have bronchitis now (I must have given it or gotten it from Tracey over at At Home on the Ridge. Kidding Tracey. :( Curling up with my new blanket until I get better all.


AndreaLeigh said...

i hope you feel better soon!

April said...

Sending prayers and best wishes that you get well soon!

Caroline said...

I know exactly how you feel, I am coughing and spluttering all the way with you!!!
Like the new blanket a lot though.
Get well real soon!!!

KeKe said...

I hope you feel better soon~

Tulip Bliss said...

Wow, you're up early. Hope you get well soon. Get your rest and keep hydrated. I hope the doc gave you some medicine to take care of that cough.

Heather said...

pretty new blanket! bronchitis is the pits! i used to get it every year like clockwork. uggh. not fun! hope you start feeling better soon!

Anya said...

I wish you the best :)))

Let Quincy in your bed, that makes you fast better, he will give you lots of hugs and Mocha will be angry that you so many coughed LOL

Seriously..... I hope you feel better sooooooooooooooon :))

Tracey said...

Oh Michelle,, I'm so sorry. I've been out of work all week and still dn't feel much better. Stay cuddled up and your in my thoughts and prayers.

Amy said...

Hope you feel better soon! I know it's no fun being sick!

Melissa said...

Take care of yourself and gets lots of rest.

vanillasugarblog said...

ut oh! someone is sick. I'm sorry sweetie. I rarely get a cold, but when I do, lookout lungs. I get such a bad infection in my lungs, so I know how you feel. And really rest is the only thing that heals those lungs. And drink that water! It does help. Awww feel better sweetie!

btw your brother is hot! LOL

Kelli said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!

Anya said...

I hope you're sleeping.
Much sleep do you need otherwise you are no better.
I talk to you tomorrow.

You should soon be better otherwise you can not get the new cat :(


Anonymous said...

Noooo, not bronchitis!! Oh honey, just lie in bed for a week and let Jim baby you. Please get better fast!


Lisa M. McGainey said...


Now I don't feel so good. Feel better. Get well SUPER fast. Kay?

Janet said...

Hi sis! How are you feeling today? Did that cough med zonk you out yesterday? I hope you'll get well fast - I hate feeling sick! I loooooove your cozy new blanket though- that would definitely make me feel better:) xoxox Janet

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle... UGH, I am so behind with my visits... please forgive me! I enjoyed catching up, and just love that sweet daisy wreath! Your birthday tribute to your brother was so touching and heart-warming... how wonderful that y'all have such a close 'n loving relationship...

Sure am sorry to learn that you're not doing well, health-wise... try to stay under your pretty blankie 'n curl up with your fur-babies and rest, rest, rest!
God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Debbie in CA : ) said...

Hot tea, cozy blanket, and a looooong weekend to rest? You'll be right as rain in no time! (Oh, and I'll be praying for you.) : D

Noodlegirl said...

Oh I know the feeling hope you feel good soon! I will be sending your stuff out on Monday!

Neabear said...

This thing has been hanging around too long for you. I hope you get very much better soon!

Debra Howard said...

Hope you get well soon sweetie. It is no fun to be sick. My daughter has that nasty stuff too. Praying for you.

Koleen said...

Hi Michelle!Hope you get to feeling better soon. We have really been fighting that stuff around here too. I just wanted to tell you that I have passed a blog award on to you, so when you get to feeling better, come on over and get it.

Anya said...

Hi hi hi

I am glad that you are feeling better :)))))
That was only a veryyyy small piece of my garden HEHE
When everything grows and blooms I let see you more pictures :))))
I hope you sleep well again tonight !!!!!
See you sooooooooooooooooooon ;)

Patti said...

Hoping this week brings better health to you Michelle! Take good care of yourself!