I have a few things to share on my next post. My giveaway present arrived from Koleen at Angels, Rabbits and Roses and a couple awards from my cat sister Anya at Kareltje en ikke!
Also, if you go to Anya's blog you will notice that Kareltje has a crush on Mocha. Hehe! He presented her with a sweet Valentine's Day gift! Thank you Kareltje! Mocha is blushing!

Hope you all have a great day! See you all tomorrow!
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY for you Mocha and Quincy ^_^ and Jim HEHE
Kareltjes post was for MOCHA ....you not noticed !!
He gives her a hug and a postcard :))) for valentine :)
and a very cute movie HEHE ;)
I still wish you a happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!
It has also his charms as you both are sick is romantic but in a different way :)))))))
get well !!!!!
Happy Valentines, hope you have a great day!
Oh Anya I wasn't sure if that was Mocha or not. It said Mo but some people do call her Mo! Hehe! That is SOOOOO sweet. Thank you!!!
oh my goodness, your cats are the funniest things ever! sorry you two are sick on Valentine's Day, but atleast you can be sick together :)
A valentine love may NEVER say a name thats a secret and Kareltje said "MO ... " it was his secret:)
Mauwwww Miauwwwwwwww Mouwwwwwww Mauwww Miauwwwwwwwww..........
I hope you feel better soon! Your kitties are so precious! Happy Valentine's Day! ♥
Happy Valentine's Day, so sorry to hear you are sick, but at least you are sick with our heart throb! Precious little cats!! Mimi
Happy happy happy Valentine's day to you & to the kitties too. Those little sweet faces are adoreable. Love the feet sticking out from the bed too. lol.
Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! Hope you and Jim feel better real soon!♥
Michelle,, have a great Day and hope you get all the love you need, from Jim and your cats.. you've been a great friend to me from the beginning of my blogging life. I am so appreciative and can't thank you enough.. love to you..Tracey
Oh no...not sick again! Sending lots of get-well wishes your way (maybe if you wear a string of garlic around your neck, you could ward off future illness?)!!
Is there a single photo of Quincy that isn't really funny and really, really adorable? Oh I do love him!
HI! Hope you are feeling better soon! Happy Valentine's Day! Wishing you chocolate kisses and Valentine dreams!!
Hi Michelle,
I hope you're feeling better today and had a cozy Valentine's Day yesterday just being sick together (at least you were together, right?). It's funny about that cold thing, I had a relapse too, so maybe that's what it does?? Love the kitty cats, so adorable. My cat Giles would be under the bed too (but all the way!), he's afraid of everything. Okay, remember the chicken soup and keep warm. Take it easy & get better soon!
You and your darn posts....good thing I don;t have to worry about my weight, now I want to have choc. cake!!! Darn you!! xoxox
I think the picture with the kitties being lovey-dovey looks like the shape of a heart, really I do! Hope you feel better soon, beautiful girl. And Qunicy...you're just too cute for your own good!
I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
I love the snuggling kitties!
That picture of your two cats is absolutely priceless! I love it, you should have it framed!
i almost forgot to tell you that i tagged you today! hope you're feeling better :)
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