A pair of beautiful, comfortable PJ bottoms (and I always wear a tank top with my PJ bottoms because apparently my hormones are starting to whack out on me and I can't wear sleeves to bed anymore)....

And my two kitties faithfully laying right next to me in bed. Notice Quincy's little paw is touching my arm.

P.S. I DID NOT eat the whole roasted chicken on my own. Just wanted to clarify that. ;)
Yes migraine headaches is just as worse.
I am glad it is over and that you feel better :D
Quincy and Mocha are super nice to you.......what sweet !!!!
I am also a fan of green tea :)
Give your cats a big hug from me.
And a very thick Hug to Mocha from Kareltje ;))
Ashley...yes, we're back together. :) We both decided we were worth so much more together than the small stuff we bickered about that separated us. :)
Anya, yes Mocha and Quincy are so good to me when I'm not feeling well. They stick by my side! I will tell Mocha Kareltje gives her a hug. She will blush. Hehe!
Michelle!!! How are you girl??!! I sure missed you! How is life in good ole Or? Any new craigslistin'? I'm sooo dying to get out and thrift I can't even tell ya! Anyhoo I too have suffered from migraines and I know how NOT fun they are, but it looks like all the best bases were covered...comfy jammy bottoms..check (adorable by the way) Sweet sleepy cat..check...green tea and sugar..check...Sweet boyfriend with yummy chicken...BIG check! If you have to have a killer headache at least you're doing it in fine style girlfriend! OK I'm off to catch up with your blog... Vanna
...now that chicken sounds almost...well almost...worth havin a migraine for...
glad your feeling better and that you had all those wonderful things to comfort you. I love your pj bottoms,, and I am right there with you..no sleeves to bed.. too HOT! It's nice to have someone look out for you.. glad you have that special person to help you out when not feeling good.. it's really a blessing..have a great day!
I'm so glad you had the darling cats to keep you company and help you get better. Cats seem to know when we are not feeling good. Glad your man was there to lend a helpng hand as well. Those pj Bottoms are to die for! Hugs, Kathleen
Nothing like cute PJ's and cute kitties to snuggle with when you're not feeling well! Glad to know that you're doing much better! I think I could have eaten the entire roasted chicken all on my own...yum!
Oh honey, I know all about hormones going whack! It's not fun.
Love the jammies!! They're so cute.
I am ever so glad u r feeling better. My sweet hubby suffers from migraines.
Things that comfort are always a good thing when you feel your worst.
Love & Prayers,
all those things would make me feel better too! well except that i'm allergic to cats and i wouldn't want your boyfriend since i have a husband, lol. but everything else would be divine! glad you're feeling better!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, man! I am so there with you!! I too have the hormonal migraines!!! Sometimes every 2 weeks...sometimes, every 4...fabulous!
Those PJ are too cute! But those furry little nursemaids surely made all the difference in your recovery!
M ^..^
I am so out of the loop. I did not know that you have been suffering with a migraine. You poor thing. Those are miserable. I am so glad that you are feeling better now.
What wonderful things you have in your life to help with the healing.
And, thank you so much for your kind words that you left me. You are a dear friend.
Ahh the creature comforts...wonderful! glad you are feeling better Michelle!
Ok, I need to know about the bf. Is this the same bf as last time? New bf? SPILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
Hehe...alright everyone. My boyfriend is my ex boyfriend. Yes, we've gotten back together. We were together for two years, even lived together for one. Unfortunately, being set in both of our ways and having been married before we were finding it hard to "meld" our lives together when we moved in. I decided it was time to take a step back and said we need to live separately and really look at what we both wanted and NOT move fast. We need to learn to accept who we both are because chances are we weren't going to change. I think separating was the best thing we ever did. We are respecting one another, accepting one another and taking our time this time. :) It was a little hard for me...I am a little more independent than he is. Sometimes life just gets in the way and you start focusing on who's right and who's wrong. :) Now we are treating each other better than when we first met (two years ago for the second time...we had actually known each other for 5years before we started dating). Perhaps you really don't know what you have until you actually lose it? He is definitely a hopeless romantic and I love that. Hope that makes a long story short! Lol! We are taking things slow and I think that's a good thing. :)
MIchelle, ahh I have not gone to your blog yestereday was so busy ahh so glad your migraine is getting better. Ooooooh what a nice bf! Glad things are getting better hehehe. Did the nice bf move in or living in the ghetto eeeeeeehehhee.
Sonia, oh no, we're not living together! We're taking it slowww. :) I might have to get another cat while I have my own place so it comes with the territory when we do decide to move back in together. :) I just started volunteering at a cat rescue very close to me! He's sure I will bring home another one but he's being very good and not saying anything. Lol!
So glad your migraine's gone! It's good you had Quincy there to help you through it. ;D
Mmmm...lemon pepper chicken...that's a nice boyfriend! And really, we wouldn't fault you for eating the whole chicken.
I am pleased your migrane has finally gone. Good to hear your boyfriend and kitties were looking after you. I could just eat a gummy heart now I've seen them there on your blog!
PS Loved the bird house from yesterdays post.
Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Those darn headaches are a *****! But you had the best cure, kitties and a guy who brings food. lol
I'm glad that your migraine has left you! WOW! I've never had one and hope that I never do.
Again, glad yours is GONE!
Those PJ's...chandeliers right?...I want!!!! Those would make me feel better too! I always crave roasted chicken and white rice when I'm sick. I had a headache yesterday that put me to bed early, not a migraine, just a bad headache. So glad you're feeling better.
Just read your comments. Glad to hear the story of you and your boyfriend. It is so true that we realize what we had was good after we lose it. And we appreciate it so much more. Glad to hear you are taking it slow though. It will be sweet to have a valentine<3
Love the pj's. Try Harney's green tea with citrus and gingko- it's the best!
Thankfully I've never had a migraine but I heard they're miserable. Glad you're better in time for the weekend.
Sorry about your migraine but this is one of those comfy cozy posts I just love to read...especially when it involves cuddly kitties!
I think our sweet kitties are the very best 'medicine' we could ever have. Mine always know just what to do to make me feel better!
My Best ~
(And ditto on that cupcake!! YUM!)
I am sorry you were under the weather. Hope you are feeling better!
Isn't it nice to have those things around us to comfort us through the rough times..
Love the pictures.
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