Well here she is! She's home and resting comfortably in the guest bedroom. :) She is much bigger than the last time I saw her. Sarah fed her very well! Lol! She stayed under the bed for a little while and I laid down and talked with her until she felt comfortable with my voice . I was able to gently pull her out and put her in the bed Sarah let me take when I picked her up. This is her little bed she had been sleeping in outside. I won't wash it until she is comfortable with her surroundings since it's probably the only smell familiar to her right now. By the end of the evening I had her on top of the bed and in her little bed purrrrrrring and cleaning herself. She even flipped over and let me rub her belly! You won't notice it now but she has the most beautiful green eyes. :)
She's already comfortable enough to start cleaning herself...
Ignore the dirty bed (it was an outside bed) but look how clean she keeps her paws!

Her first medical records. She posed well for her doctor....

I opened the door a few times..and Quincy just laid outside the bedroom door. He inched a little closer...and a little closer...spreading his body out, showing off how handsome he was. She hissed a couple of times. :) I can just hear him thinking. Hmmmm.....she's a cutie. Not like the old lady who keeps batting me in the head. Maybe if I put my handsomest face on I can make her blush. :)
Man, getting a girl to notice you exist is tough! I'm done for the night! I hope she doesn't expect Salmon on our first date!
HI EMMA & Michelle
What is EMMA beautiful:)
Gray with white and green eyes waaaaaw a super beautiful nice and sweet girl :)
And she is the same type as Kareltje, short hair and two-colored.
And she looks so clean, with her beautiful legs LOL
I go now make a special blog for Emma.........
She is welcome to Kareltje and his internet friends,they all come today to say hello to Emma :)
I have a gift and something to eat for Emma and Quincy & Mocha also.
Michelle come visit us with Emma, Quincy and Mocha. See you soooooooooooooooooon :))))))
Are they all getting along together? (I know sometimes it takes a few days...) Enjoy your kitties~
OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!
She's precious! And gorgeous!
You are off to a fabulous start .. baby Shye did not let me touch her for weeks!!! Bless you for taking her in. I just know all will work out (for ALL of you :)!!!
Have a FUN weekend with your gang!
aww she's cute. sounds like she is going to be just fine in a couple days!
Welcome Emma!! She is so sweet! Isn't it wonderful to have given a little soul a home? Good for you! Have a great weekend!
Emma is a sweetie! Look at those gams....I love her nose...I love cats. You certainly have a wonderful way with them. Have a great week-end Michelle, hugs, Kathleen
Looks like she's making herself puurrrrrfectly at home! Congrats new mom!
Emma is just beautiful! You are so sweet to adopt her.
You are an angel and that is one lucky kitty to have you to love.
All of your babies are just as cute and precious as can be.
She is a cutie! Congrats on the new addition to your family
Like I said, she is going to be the princess of the palace. She has already made herself at home. I am sure she is loving being an indoor cat. Maybe Quincy will bring her salmon on the second date.
I adore Emma already!
Oh, dear, dear Quincy, please don't show your belly to me because you know I cannot resist you when you do that!!
Emma is adorable!! Hehe "Q" is going to be one pissed off kitty he is not the baby anymore!
Too cute! I am sure you will fun with your fur pets. Emma is lucky that you have taken her in. I hope you are able to get some really cute pictures of her.
Oh what a cutie! She looks adorable. Good luck with the introductions!
So nice of you to give the little one a loving home! She's very lucky.
Congrats on your newest addition! Hopefully she'll settle in in now time. You've already received this one before, but I've nominated your for an "award" on my blog. Keep the good stuff coming :-)
What a beautiful coat she has!
Hi Everyone!
Thank you all so much for the sweet comments. Yes, I'm definitely a softie at heart. Emma is fitting in just fine! She came out late yesterday and decided it was time to take a look around her new home. She got very excited. Laid on the chairs, tried to lick my head. Mocha is leaving her alone and Quincy stopped hissing..and now they're just checking out each other. She's playing with a few toys and I think he might play along in a few days. He looks like he wants to really bad. LOL
Hey Michelle!
What a cutie!!! Well, it sounds like the kitties are getting along fine!!! My two are still hissing and growling at each other!!! Both are taking over the whole house (except for my room). They are even getting used to Abby (fox terrier). Well, take some pics of her green eyes!!! She is a very pretty kitty!
Awwww! Well, emma is one lucky lady, she has a fantastic Momma and the best brothers & sisters too. I love how quincy wants her to know he's there, that is soooo cute--I was laughing out loud at that one.
Your emma looks a lot like my tiki.
I added your wonderful site to my blog; I just love coming here.
Awwwwwww!! Emma doesn't know that she's won the kitty lotto in finding a home with you!! She looks so sweet! I couldn't have said no to her either! I don't know how ya'll have such photogenic cats! I can't get my Jordan to hold still for a photo op!! Every time I even turn my camera on he goes running under something! Well welcome home little Emma! I look foreward to hearing all about your antics *winks* Love Vanna
Oh...Michelle...very very sweet. Welcome to little Emma. I love people who love cats! You are such a soft-hearted little furbaby lover!
Oh, she is a cutie. I like the name Emma. Years ago, in grade school, my son liked a girl named Emma. He came home one day and was so upset because Emma said her real name was "Elizabeth Mary Margaret Alice, short for Emma" He said, "THAT is just too many words for a name!
I thought it was for real too, she had me duped until I ran into her mom and asked her. It turns out it was a joke her father played on her about her name.
Hi Emma! What a luck you had in your young life. Your mom said that you might want to join my little Silky and Slender crew. I would be delighted! Do you have two pictures of you showing off your slenderness?
Purrs, Chilli
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