"The Utopian society of Aurora, Oregon was established by Dr. William Keil as the site of what was to be his last communal settlement. Keil was a charismatic Prussian tailor and self-styled physician who began preaching soon after his arrival in the United States in 1831. He attracted a following for his fundamental Christian preaching which centered on the Golden Rule and his belief, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” Like the Shakers, Rappites, and other religious Utopian groups of the 19th Century, Aurora Colony was inspired by the description of the earliest communities of Christians in Acts 2: 44-45: “And all who believed were together and had all things in common and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, as any had need. [RSP]”
Aurora is known as Oregon's antiques capital and here are a few pictures from our adventure that day.
This was an adorable antique shop. Like many antique shops, this one had tons and tons of rooms of treasures for us to meander through!

This was so beautiful. I regret not buying it. :( I might have to go back.
In getting my daily Starbucks that day, I noticed these beautiful roses at the counter.
Hi, Michelle!
Excellent posting. Nice picture. Nice image and very pretty roses.
Have a nice day.
This is not Spam. It is a campaign against the abuse of children.
Thank you.
David Santos
Thank you, David!
I appreciate your blog as well. So many missing children. It's just terrible. :(
Thank you for visiting and visit anytime!
Thank you, David!
I appreciate your blog as well. So many missing children. It's just terrible. :(
Thank you for visiting and visit anytime!
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