Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cats on Tuesday!

Every Tuesday Gattina over at My Cats and Funny Stories hosts Cats on Tuesdays! I don't have any thrilling pictures where my cats are doing acrobats or anything but here are a few laid back photos of them today. I am getting ready for a move so they don't see what's coming soon! :)

Here is Quincy just chilling on the couch unaware his whole life will be uprooted soon. :)

Mocha just waking up from a nap and wondering why the heck I disturbed her with that loud clicking noise....

Then she decided to wake up and scratch herself like heck with her big thumper foot....probably was itching her like crazy for awhile but couldn't wake up enough to do the deed....

And I just love how my little boy lays.....legs spread out in the back like a dog! :)


Janet said...

They look so happy and I know they're content wherever you are!

Michelle said...

Thanks sis! Yes, my cats will be spoiled wherever they go! They are my kids, after all!


Kelli said...

Awww...your kitties are so sweet!

Vera said...

The kitties are adorable, Michele!

Michelle said...

Thanks, Kelli. :) They are my kids.


Michelle said...

Hi Vera!

Mocha and Quincy thank you for the compliment. :)


Tea Time With Melody said...

Love the pics. Cats are so great. What I love most is how I can just get mine all riled up and then it attacks my husband instead... lol

Michelle said...

Hi Melody,

Okay, I really laughed when I heard that. Love it! :)

Hope you're having a good week.


Ingrid said...

That's very nice that you participated ! Could you put the little logo above your post next time ? Your cat's are cute fur balls ! My Kim has long hairs too, she doesn't like to be brushed and after a while she is full of knots. I have to take her to a "beauty" saloon to get the knots out twice a year !

Seawashed said...

Your kitties are cuties. I can't wait to try some of your pumpkin recipes.

Prudy said...

I love the names of your cute little cats!

Michelle said...

Hi Gattina!

Oh yes! Yes! Sometimes I forget the rules. :) Quincy's hair is so thick sometimes it's hard to keep up. He's a Selkirk Rex so he has hair like lambs wool. I might have to do the same thing you have been doing too. :)

Maria said...

Cute kitties!!

Anonymous said...

Cats don't have to be doing anything "thrilling" to steal the show (and our hearts). :) Yours look like they're great to snuggle with!

Zaroga said...

Cute cats... no pets in our household right now and I miss it. We tend to have dogs and birds. I hope they do well in the move. They are probably all ready sensing it.