Friday, October 17, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

Once again, it's Show and Tell Friday hosted by Kelli at

Today I am showing a little part of my collection of "small dishes" that I have bought at either antique stores or antique shows. I love collecting these small dishes. I have to admit...I feed my two baby cats out of a couple of them. Well! They have to eat out of pretty dishes too. :) I just started my collection and hope it will grow! My favorite dishes have small floral prints or fruit prints but I am open to any small dish that is sweet and lovely. The Palmer Wirf Antique Show ( that comes into town twice a year is where I usually get them. There are so many vendors at this show that it's hard to see everything but it's well worth spending the whole day there. It's coming to Portland soon so I better get my cart all ready for collecting! :)


Anonymous said...

Those are so dainty and pretty! Your kitties are lucky little cats...and cultured little cats, I might add! ;)

Unknown said...

Your right our little babies have to eat out of pretty dishes too. Hey if i was rich they would have their own bedroom with beds. lol. mishelle ps. really special beds i might add.

Pamela said...

The two on the right are Royal Albert's Old Country Roses if I'm not mistaken. Lucky kitties to have such pretty dishes!

Thanks for visiting my Show & Tell.

threesidesofcrazy said...

How pretty! I love to mix and match these type of dishes!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I love pretty dishes! I haven't seen those Old Country Rose bowls before, I like them.


Tammy said...

These are very pretty. Dishes seems to be a common theme for Show and Tell today! :o)

Michelle said...


My cats are just S-P-O-I-L-E-D. Ha!

Michelle said...


I've thought about buying Mocha a leopard canopy bed. It's terrible! :)

Michelle said...

Chez nous,

Thanks for the info on the two plates. I still have a lot to learn yet on these antiques so I need all the help I can get. :)

Michelle said...

Hi Tamy,

Yes, I find it more interesting when you mix and match. :)

Grammy said...

What a wonderful collection.Do you mean they are miniature or toy in size.
Have a great week.

Michelle said...

Hey Grammy,

They are about 3.5 inches across. So, I guess not toy size. :)

Ingrid said...

Baby cats eat very chic ! lol !

Thanks for your comment on my cat blog. My main blog is Writer Cramps.

Anonymous said...

Love your plates! I collect those kind also- fun to find sweet little plates and find new things to do with them!

Blessings- Gail

Heather said...

I love these dishes. Very dainty and pretty.
I left you something on my blog today! Have fun with it!!

Unknown said...

Ok thanks for the tag and i just grabbed the first book I found. come see. mishelle

Carla said...

How sweet! I love pretty dishes, and especially when they are used!!! (have fun hunting, I mean shopping!)

Zaroga said...

Those are beautiful. We share a love of little plates with roses.

Susie Homemaker said...

Pretty little them. I prefer fruit and roses mostly too.
And our crazy cat eats out of a cut crystal bowl...I was hoping it would bring him some refinement...LOL...alas, no such luck!


Michelle said...


I peeked at your recipe blog......I didn't have a lot of time so I left really quick because I was afraid I would get hooked! I will look at your blog later because all that food looked SOOOOO good!

Michelle said...

Hey Susie,

Okay, you are a better parent than me..serving your kitties out of crystal! It's like the Fancy Feast cat. Ha!

Kelli said...

Those are beautiful! I love the roses!

Michelle said...


Thanks! The roses are actually my favorite too. :) Hopefully I will find more at the antique show and I will show more dishes on my blog again! :)

Tea Time With Melody said...

Your kittens are too cute. They are so lucky to have such privileges mine eats from a plain old cat bowl. Love your blog, I am hooked.