I'm doing something a little different than my other Show and Tells. I have decided to show you how I cut down on magazines...well, magazines lying around. My mother also taught me this when I was a teenager. When I read through a magazine I will tear out pages that have something of interest to me whether it be a cute outfit (fashion), a good recipe and most of all anything about decorating. When I tear the pages out they go into my binder of "Things I Love". I still have to put that title on it. :) I buy a binder and the sheet protectors that go in it and slip all the pages that I have torn out of the magazines into it! It's neat, effective, cuts down on all those extra magazines you have lying around and you can always go back and look at it when you want to be inspired! I have broken my binder down in three sections, Recipes, Decor and Fashion. What more does a girl need?
This is my binder. I like to get the kind that's easily bendable and sort of flimsy (is that a word?) so when you open it, it bends like a magazine.

Except, I swear I won't put my dog (if I ever get one) in a coat like that.

Then my recipe pages so I don't forget to cook all the yummy goodness that's out there in magazines and then not fit into the fashions that I put in my book. Oh well.

Enjoy and bring those black cats in and eat as many sweets as you can!
I bet that was a lot of work to go through and find the pages to keep. That is a great idea. I learned long ago not to keep mags. But I am not as creative to save the pages as you were. Great idea.
Cute blog- animal haven? Me too! They are all on purpose though. I live on a ranch and raise dairy goats, horses, poultry, etc. I do have a small house dog, and before we moved to the ranch, I DID put him in doggy sweaters when we went out! He looked very nice, I might add. *U* I really like your idea. I keep a ton of magazines and might have to implement that...
That is such a great idea! Mind if I copy it (if I'm not too lazy to follow through)? ;)
Happy Halloween and BOO!!
smart and fun! (love your kitties:)
I remember this! I have a couple of books - but I love the way yours turned out sis! Love it!
Hey sis!
I knew you would remember this! Ha! Happy Halloween! Send some pictures of Paris to me!
Hey Teresa,
Of course you can copy! That's why I have it up there. Know what you mean by laziness. I have to move next weekend (but I'm hiring movers). Tell me that's not lazy.
A beautiful idea. Much prettier than the way I do it. I have a file folder box with labeled files that the projects go in and are usually forgotten about :-) I drop my magazines off at the hospital, which is a block over from us.
Happy Halloween Michelle!
Hi Zaroga,
Happy Halloween to you too! My girlfriend and I have a great systemwhen it comes to our magazines. On our subscriptions, we subscribe to what the other doesn't then switch when we get them. How's that for saving some money! :)
I use this same idea and have dividers for recipes, crafts, decorating ideas, etc. You're right, it certainly does cut down on the stacks of magazines.
I save the odd catalog as well - usually just a page that shows the website and phone number.
Great idea!
Happy Halloween!
I love your blog design! It's so cute!
A great tip and I love the things you have in your binder, especially the last picture. Yes, flimsy is a word. lol
Enjoyed my visit and love your vintage Halloween postcard below.
PS. I do hope you took a copy of the postcard with the fairies.
Thanks for visiting.
Great idea - I have so many torn out pages, but it no particular order.
Thanks for sharing.
Great Idea! I say I'm going to do something like that, but I never get around to it. I've got magazines stashed here and there...and everywhere. I really need to do what you do with yours. Soon!
Enjoy your day!
What a great tip! Thanks for this tip! I especially love the idea of labeling your favorite articles into categories in your folder. It's a good space conserving tip.
I have that same catalogue from the Victorian Trading Co. I think the cover is very beautiful!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful idea for cutting down on magazines.
And thank you for stopping by my blog!
Take care,
What a great idea. My mom used to rip pages out of magazines for decor ideas. It really paid off when she re-did a house. Her home is beautiful and it's exactly what she wanted.
Oh my gosh! I always think about doing this I just never get around to it!
M ^..^
Please feel free to bounce stuff off me, and I'll do the same with you! I'm all about whimsical stories. In fact, my goal is to write shorter, whimsical stories for women and children! I think too many writers take themselves so seriously and write these dull or depressing novels where everyone commits sucicide and has an abortion and a terrible life because their father abused them....SNOOOOOOOOOOOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
E-mail me any time--mirkoerner@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing more about what you and your friend are doing!
Great tip. I already do the recipes thing just the way you described (I have 25 binders of various recipe categories!), but I've never thought to create binders for other things. I usually just throw those other sorts of things into a file. Your method is better!
What a great organizational tip! Have you ever heard of the Binder Queen? She's a homeschool mom who teaches binder storage. She'd probably like to hear your idea - lol! Thanks for posting.
Please feel free to visit my blog anytime.
Beautiful book! Love the cover...Kathy
What a fantastic idea. I love it. Now if I could go back and get those magazines! :)
Excellent idea! I would love to sit down and look through your books...such pretty pictures!
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