Well, here is my second attempt at a pumpkin! Since I love cats I had to put a bad kitty and a good kitty on either side. :) Mocha is smelling the new cat in the house.
I had to take a picture of Quincy in his funny pose. :)
Well I can't decide whether I like your new pumpkins or that pumpkinhead cat Quincy! lol He looks so fluffy sitting that way - how did you stencil the cats on your pumpkin? Are they cutouts? Paris wants to make a horse one!
Thanks, Teresa! The dog isn't actually mine. It was in a store that I visited in South Carolina. I'm just drawn to animals. :) I'm a cat girl....Quincy is a brat. :)
Thanks, Cori! Hope you're having a relaxing Sunday. I am. Just got back from the bookstore. It never fails that I end up going crazy buying books. I think I'm going to have to setup a "library" somewhere. :)
Hi Michelle! Aww, you did a great job on the kitty pumpkin! The black on white is lovely. You're invited you to "My Favorite Things Monday" inspired by the Sound of Music! You sharing a picture and story of your current 'favorite thing' that cheered you up when life got you down, would be a blessing! I hope you can come! www.sarahlcc.blogspot.com
Well I can't decide whether I like your new pumpkins or that pumpkinhead cat Quincy! lol He looks so fluffy sitting that way - how did you stencil the cats on your pumpkin? Are they cutouts? Paris wants to make a horse one!
That's one great pumpkin! The good kitty/bad kitty theme is so funny and cute!
(BTW, your dog is beautiful, but your cats are super-duper darling!)
Oops sorry sis! I was logged in under Tim. Paris and I love your new post!
Thanks, Teresa! The dog isn't actually mine. It was in a store that I visited in South Carolina. I'm just drawn to animals. :) I'm a cat girl....Quincy is a brat. :)
How cool! I love your idea of good kitty/bad kitty pumpkin. Your cat is so gorgeous! Good job!
Cute pumpkins and kitty's!
Have a fun Sunday!
Cori G.
Thanks, Cori! Hope you're having a relaxing Sunday. I am. Just got back from the bookstore. It never fails that I end up going crazy buying books. I think I'm going to have to setup a "library" somewhere. :)
Hi Michelle! Aww, you did a great job on the kitty pumpkin! The black on white is lovely. You're invited you to "My Favorite Things Monday" inspired by the Sound of Music! You sharing a picture and story of your current 'favorite thing' that cheered you up when life got you down, would be a blessing! I hope you can come! www.sarahlcc.blogspot.com
Oh, I would love to Sarah! Actually life is a little down right now so I will think of something. :) Thank you for the invite!
Awww, those pumpkins look so so so cute!! love them! and so does the kitty :) Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog too! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia
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