Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Cozy Evening of Nesting, Baking and Awarding.

Alright, you were all pretty close to what I was baking tonight. :) Tonight I baked chocolate chocolate chip banana bread. Oh it made my place smell so yummy! I also pulled out a few more things out of boxes to continue my decorating quest (see flowers above) and as promised I am honoring some more blog friends with the Butterfly award Melody awarded me yesterday.

Baking chocolate chocolate chip banana so therapeutic. If you want the recipe go to because that's where I found it and she has much better pictures). :) I have to say though this is THE BEST chocolate banana bread I have ever tasted in my life! The consistency is a cross between a bread and a brownie. It probably tastes fabulous with a black tea.

And a few loaves for friends...

All that baking wore Mocha out.

Now, as promised I am honoring a few of my blog friends with the Butterfly Award given to me yesterday by Tea Time with Melody.

The rules of this award are:
1. Pick ten people to pass this onto if you choose.
2. Contact them and let them know you have chosen them for this award.
3. Also, link back to the person who gave you the award.
Okay, my choices are:

1. Domestic Fashionista (because she just has the coolest ideas). :)
2. Foxgloves, Fabric and Folly (because she has great ideas too and I love her pictures!).
3. Imagine and Create (because I LOVE her art!)
4. A Duck in Her Pond (because I just love her writing!)
5. Tales from an OC Cottage (because I just love all the glitter!)'
6. Cynthia's Cottage Design (I just love her little cottage!).
7. Hannah Shaw (because I love her handbags and her jewelry designs!)

You guys deserve this award and thanks for being great blog friends!


Anonymous said...

Your loaves of bread look simply wonderful... Not so sure I could give them away! Hope things have been going well for you...

Pearl said...

Mocha looks adorable, bet the intoxicating smell completely knocked him out into a deep lullaby! :-) That's a really thoughtful gesture- I love the sparkly brown paper bags you've got! Adds just that touch of glamor into a predictable brown bag.

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Ouuuu YUM... I am on my way over for banana bread and a cup of tea!
Looks yummy!

I agree with Mocha... I think its time for a nap!

Hugz, Dolly

Hannah said...

YUMMY! I know what I will be baking tonight! I just love your little kitties. They are so adorable. What an adorable way to package the goodies up for friends!
You are too sweet!
Have a wonderful day.

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Awwww, Thanks so so much Michelle! you are so sweet! and a great blogging buddy too! I'm going to post the award tonight, Im running out for a few hours today. I am so honored!!

and yum, your bread looks amazing too! I love the little bags you put them in for friends, so nice!!

have a great day!!

~Thanks Again ~ Cynthia

Janet said...

The chocolate banana bread looks so yummy! Paris would eat that up in a second!

Pam said...

YUM! I could eat a whole loaf by myself.

Anonymous said...

These look delicious! Congratulations on your award, it's well deserved!!!

Anonymous said...

wow... your loaves look so moist and yum... :)

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

What a darling blog! Thanks for "hanging out" with me~

Oh this recipe looks scrumptious!!

Your cats are gorgeous. I had a blue/grey named Smokey, he lived to be 17. I miss him so. Does yours have rings around the tail?

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Oh Boy do those loafs of bread look good!! I can just smell them now! Perfect with to put a pot on!

Melissa said...

That looks so scrumptious.

I use 40 watt bulbs, but you're right, I would like 50 watt better.

The Blonde Duck said...

Awww! Thanks so much! Your bread looks divine and I love the sparkly gift bags for your friends!

I'm so thrilled you like my writing. You don't know what it means after so many publishers told me how terrible I was (believe it!)

This is so kind of you. I'll have to visit all your darling friends! One can never have too much glitter in their life!

Noodlegirl said...


You are killing me those look so good now I have to go to the pastry store tomorrow and get me something like that!

Heidi said...

Good Morning Michelle, Those breads look amazing!!!....& so does your blog!!! pretty!....And "thank you " so very much for this award! I am so thrilled that you would pick me among the other wonderful blogs!...I will definitely post about it this weekend!....Enjoy your day!....Your friend, Heidi XO

Emily said...

Michelle you always have the cutest posts and ideas! I love your chocolate chip banan bread! What a great idea!

(You have been tagged on my blog!)

Tea Time With Melody said...

oooooooooh they look soooooo good. Would never have thought of that combo though. I am going to have to try that one. I like those bags too, what a great idea I feel a theft coming on......

Linda Q said...

Oh my gosh that looks good! I think I want to try making it.
And I agree with your choice of Dream Homes, from Pratical Magic, love that house even if it was just a set they built. They filmed near me on Whidbey Island that movie. I like it too!
Oh and you asked on my blog, quilting, no, machine quilting is rather easy. I started my first with a precut kit off eBay, pattern comes with the pieces ready to sew into blocks and then I bought matching fabric at store to put with to make the quilt.
You should try it, even if you start with small things like table runners etc.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the award!! And the choc choc chip banana bread...oh drool...I'm going to have to try that one.

Annie Patterson said...

Thank you for the award Michelle! I just got back online- sorry I ddidnt respond sooner. I love the pinup girl art!