Okay everyone, I am finally posting my 100th post giveaway...about five posts too late. Better late than never though, right? :)
First of all I want to thank each and every visitor that swings on by to say hi as well as my regulars. My life has certainly changed since I met all of you and when I mean changed I mean for the better! Thank you for making my life a creative, inspiring palette where all of my ideas may go. You are all so genuinely wonderful and caring I wish we could have one big slumber party and decorate and cook all night long! That would be the adult version, right? ;)
Okay, now for the giveaway. I thought I would go with a Valentine's Day theme. I couldn't resist. :) I will include an adorable set of dish towels with delightful hearts on them, a charming red pot holder with a very sweet heart on it, a beautiful vintage white rose frame, four place mats in a country plaid, a sweet tea bag holder with a precious bird on it, a set of cookie cutters in the shape of a teapot, and last but not least Valentine's Day chocolate tea brought to you by Harney & Sons (also brought to you by Myrtles Tea House...you all know that's my favorite tea house).

So everyone enter by leaving a comment and I will pull a name by Thursday, January 22nd! I'm going to keep the time short so you have it in time for Valentine's Day. :) If you post something on your blog about my giveaway with a link to my blog I will double your entry!
Thank you ALL and here's to another 100 posts! Hope you're all having a great weekend. I'm enjoying every minute of my visit with sis. We're resting now. ;)
OH my all those stuff are so CUTE! Can you believe right after Christmas, in Ashland all the Valentine's Day stuff are up for sale. I already got me a cute pink valentine tee-shirt at target for only $5 I might put it up on my blog lol!
Hi! I'm a first time Visitor to your bloggy and just had to enter this giveaway! :) How cute, love the goodies!
I blogged also for extra credit: http://treasuredgiveaways.blogspot.com/2009/01/valentine-giveaway.html
Congratulations on reaching 100 awesome posts!
I'd love to be entered in your give away!
{my kitchen is red n white} :-)
Warm Hugz, Dolly
I love your blog! Congrats on reaching a milestone! What sweet treats for a giveaway! I would love to enter! Thanks!
Congrats on your 100th post.
I love the giveaway and I adore your kitties!!
Hi Michelle.. love your post and again Congrat's on the 100th post. I love your website and I'm so glad that your in blogland to be my friend. Have a great day and love all the stuff in your give a way.. continue success..Tracey
I would love to win! Thanks!
great giveaway! i'm so glad i found your blog.
thank you for having a giveaway! I'll post it on my blog and please enter me! I'm off to check out the rest of your blog!
Such cute things and I need them all! Love your wonderful blog. Congratulations on reaching such a milestone.
I love your blog! Thanks for posting this giveaway. My fingers are crossed!
Congratulations on your 100th post! Super cute giveaway!!
Congratulations on your 100th post!!
Great Giveaway!! :)
Congratulations on your 100th post! Your fur babies are too precious!
I'd love to be included in your giveaway. ♥ Diane
Congrats on your 100th post! What a great "giveaway"! Please sign me up.
Hai Michelle
First Congrats on your 100th post ;D
You have lovely stuff for valentines day.
I like to play your game on VALENTINE DAY !!!!!!!!!!
I would love to win ...... hahaha :)
What a fabulous give away! Congratulations on your 100th post. I love your blog, I find it so inspirational, and I love your fur babies, recipes, and pin ups! Can't wait to read and see the next 100. Enjoy your Sunday, hugs
Hi Michelle,
Count me in :) how adorable and I could use everything there! and plus, Red is my favorite color :)
Congrats on your 100th post too, I've enjoyed visiting you so much and your blog is a must see for me. That was so cute about the slumber party, how fun would that be!?!
Have a great rest of your weekend! Hugs, Cynthia
Congratulations and thanks for a neat Valentine giveaway. I have been meaning to leave a post. I tried your Chocolate Orange Pots de creme and they were very good. I tried them a second time with just plain chocolate and we liked them even more!
TRigell at aol dot com
michelle, i love all of this stuff!!! it's so cute. the cookie cutters are my favorite. i have over 150 different cookie cutters. my favorite ones are lips. i've got a feeling v-day is one of your favorite days because you get to decorate your house in pink and red. haha
Congratulations on the 100th post, Michelle dear!!!
What an adorable giveaway! I'm going to have one too, and will post about yours today when I post mine. :) It's not as sweet as yours though.
Congrats on 100+ posts ! Please enter me in your giveaway !!
yippee! what great items to include in your give-away. please enter me! i'll post on my blog about it too :)
Happy Sunday to ya!
The valentine stuff is all so cute. I would love to be in on the drawing. I love your blog. I'll be back. Please.. stop by and visit when you have a chance.
Oh, please count me in! 100 posts, wow. I can't even imagine that many but I am sure my time will come. lol
Michelle, your choice of goodies for your give-away are so pretty!! The person who wins all that is sooo lucky!!
I like your butterfly craft~it's very pretty!!
What an amazing array of delightful Valentine gifts!! Please enter me in your giveaway -- I can only wish I find this in my mailbox! Thanks, Joanne ~~ glamourgirljoanne@yahoo.com
What a nice prize pack! Just the thing to get into the Valentines mood! Thanks for sharing!
I blogged here:
I blogged here:http://dun4fun-hondaray6.blogspot.com/
Congrats on your 100th!
Hi Michele,
Please enter my name for your giveaway! How fun!!!
Hi Michelle!! All your give-away goodies are just so cute!!! hard to believe Valentine's Day is right around the corner (almost). I barely have just taken down the Christmas decorations-lol. Glad you are having a great weekend with family...take care!
OOh!! I'd love to win!!
P.S. January 22nd is a Thursday...should I check back on that day or on Wed. (21st)?
contact me at:
Congrats on 100 posts!!
Cute giveaway - love it! Congrats on 100 posts, that's great! :D
Congrats on your 100th post. Here's to a million more.
Love Melissa
Darn it...I was hoping you were going to give Qunicy away because I would love to have that cute little furball!!!! Anyway, happy 100th post to you!
Congrats on your 100th post. You are so sweet to have a giveaway. Heather sent me over.
Hi Michelle,
Count me in on your giveaway!! Congratulations on your 100th Post!!! Looking forward to reading many, many more of your posts!!!
very cute giveaway!
I came over from a link on Family Forever.
I love blogging too.
hello,this also is my first time on here,i just started my blog two weeks ago.and i seen your give away,very nice ,im so glad to enter your giveaway..and congrats on your 100 posts..
Hi all! Thanks for entering the giveaway. Celeste asked when she should check back for the drawing. I will announce the winner Thursday evening. :)
What a great prize for your 100th comment
Valentines will be blooming for the winner of your prize
I am new here but loved your site
WOW...i'm speechless....all I am left with is a smile...thts a gorgeous bundle...
plz plz plz put my name in the hat!...
its just sooo sexy..:P
CONGRATULATIONS on the 105 posts!
Hi sis! Here's my entry! Your pictures turned out so cute!
Hi sis! Here's my entry! Your pictures turned out so cute!
Congrats,fisrt time here please enter me in your giveaway....Barb
Hi! Heather from Forever Family sent me over. Please enter me in the giveaway.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Count me in!
I'd love to enter :) I found you from Heather's site.
Congrats on 100 posts! Lots of great looking stuff in your giveaway. This is my first time to your blog. I love the pictures of your cats in the sink...sooo cute!
You have such good taste in holiday gifts! I would love to enter this giveaway! Congratulations on reaching your 100th post!
Hi, I just found your blog via Kelli's blog and imagine my surprise when I fell into the give away post !! I would love to enter and visit again, because I'm bookmarking your blog !!
have a wonderful day !!
Congrats on your 100th post. I have 7 to reach one hundred. Love your blog.
What cute prizes! I love Valentine's stuff...it's always so pretty! I'd love to win!
give_me_a_latte at yahoo
I'd love to be entered. YOu have such a cute blog. Thank you.
Everything looks so good i am so excited for the giveaway! Sign me up!Have a blessed day!
Congratulations on your 100th post and count me in!
Love your music..........and pin up girls. I am new at doing blogging can you tell me where do you get the pin up girls? Put me in for the drawing and visit my site Feb. 1 at augustsummerrose.blogspot.com to see my up coming Chocolate Bar.
I just found your blog and it is delightful! I love your giveaways...too cute. But more importantly I love your kitties! They are so precious.
So here's my entry and I will be linking you to my blog!
Happy 100th post! What a beautifully delicious giveaway! You have such great taste!
Hi Michelle
You have manyyyyyyyy visitors on your blog hihi........
Difficult to choose a winner, good luck ^____^
Adorable! I love it! I'm so excited!
Congrats on the 100 posts!
Lovely Valentine's Giveaway!
Happy 100th Bloganniversary Michelle! I'm crossing my fingers and toes that I'll win your fabulous give-away :)
This is a wonderful giveaway.
I'm glad you are having a wonderful time with your sister.
I'm trying again...so if my name shows up twice, do I get more chances to win?! Great giveaway and congratulations on 100 plus entries on your blog! Love all the wonderful pictures, too!
awesome giveaway and congrats on your 100th minsthins(at)optonline(dot)net
Congratulations on your 100th post!
U R 2 cute! A 100 post giveaway! Awwwww! I remember taking the holiday drink quiz from ur cite, which proved I love to celebrate, so CONGRATS on ur 100th post! : ) Cheers!
Congrats on your 100th post!!!
Thanks for the giveaway.
What a nice bundle of goodies...I will be happy to add a link to my post tomorrow and "talk up" your lovely give-a-way!It's my first time visiting your blog...I came to you through "Tatertos & Jello" via "Weekend Cook"...what a cute blog! Thanks for adding my name to your give-a-way! Congrats on your 100th post!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
Congratulations on your 100th post. Your blog is charming.
What a super sweet giveaway.
Congrats on 100 posts, job well done!
Thanks for sharing so much with us.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Thank you for sharing and congrats on 100 posts!
Congratuation! Michelle. Look forward the next 100th post and the next, and next of your blog. :D
All these things are full of sweet ambience of Valentine's day, and the classic picturs of beauties are so delicate!
I feel like join a visual festival in your blog.
Congratulations, and thank you for sharing these adorable items!
Congratulations on your 100th post and may there be a 100 more! Love the beautiful Valentine's Day themed items.
What a wonderful blog you have! Congrats on your 100th post. I would love to be entered.
I'm off to read more of your blog as this is my first time visiting you.
you have nearly 100 comments hihi..
Congratulations on your 100th post!! What a wonderful milestone! Great giveaway, too - thanks for the chance to win!
Cute stuff! Pick me!!!! Love your blog.
Very sweet giveaway, I would love to be included, thank you.
First of all I love your music list! What a cute giveaway!
madamerkf at aol dot com
Hey Michelle, I know this is off the subject, but, did you know that Exotic Short Hair Cats are a cross of a British Short Hair and a Persian? Same as Quincy except with short hair! We're still trying to come up with a name...some thoughts are Freckles, Sugar Apple, Creme Brulee, Piccadilly, Parfait..I know I know...many are food related! LOL. Okay....congrats on the 100th Post! Cute stuff for the Giveaway! Good luck everyone!
Happy 100th Post... Love the photos and music on your post....
How generous of you. You have a wonderful blog. AND, your fur babies are beautiful!!!
Very cute giveaway, and CONGRATS!!
What a sweet little giveaway. Please enter me :) Congratulations on your 100th post! xo
Michelle, I added a link to your giveaway on my blog today. Hope it brings you some more visitors!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
oooohhhh I am loving the Valentine's goodness you have going on!
Good morning! I visit your blog several times a week. Congrats on the 100th post, your giveaway is very generous - pick me, pick me!!!
Hi there! I came by your blog after finding out you are going to be getting Stitching Stella! Lucky you! I will be looking forward to reading about Stella's adventures with you. Of course now that I know about your give away. I gotta be entered in that too!!
congrats on your 100th posts
Michelle-congrats on your 100th post. I'mnew here, and love your blogg especially all the kitties. Thanks for offering such an awesome prize. Any one of those items would make a nice prize. Judie
Congratulations with your 100e comments, wat a CRAZY time you have on your blog hahahaha....
Adorable! What great choices.
Please enter me in your giveaway. Just love Valentines. :)
Congrats on 100 posts!!! I am a 1st time visitor tonite!!
Hi everyone!
Thanks for entering my giveaway! I will be choosing a name this evening and will announce the winner on tomorrow's post! Good luck and thanks so much for visiting me!
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