Select a container that is about 3 - 4 inches deep (8 - 10 cm) and that has no drainage holes.
Spread an inch or 2 of stones, marbles or even gravel, along the bottom of the container.
Spread an inch or 2 of stones, marbles or even gravel, along the bottom of the container.
Position your paper white bulbs, pointed end up, on top of the stone layer. Go ahead and squeeze them in. They not only look better in a large group, the tight fit will help keep them from toppling over.
Add another layer of stones to fill in any gaps and cover the bulbs up to their shoulders. The pointed tips should still be showing.
Add water so that the level just reaches the base of the bulbs. Allowing the bottom of the bulb to sit in water will stimulate growth. Covering the entire bulb with water could cause it to rot.
The bulbs don’t need light at this point and they prefer to be kept on the cool side, at about 65 degrees F (18 degrees C.)
Check your bulbs daily to see if they need more water.
When you see roots developing, move the container to a sunny window. The sunnier the better, but try not to let them get too warm or they’ll grow leggy.
They are so pretty! Happy New Years!
Beautiful flowers I like them ;)
We have in the Netherlands very mutch flowers , many different flowers for in the wintertime, Netherland flowerland hahaha.. ;)
Michelle, I have such difficulty growing any kind of plant, but you have given me hope. I am going to try to grow paperwhites! I will write your instructions down, and follow them, and maybe, I will be successful. Thanks so much
These are extremely pretty flowers. I would so love to own them! Over the New year, I spent some time checking out my local florist and I am always amazed at the beautiful arrangements they have on display.
They are beautiful!
I have a bunch that grow under one of the pecan trees. I'm thinking about bringing some a bit closer to the house, so I can enjoy them a bit more. They are a favorite. Who knows I might try some for inside sometime :-)
They are so pretty!!!!Aiii unfortunately for me I cannot handle any kind of plants I am like the angel of death around them!
there's an award for you on my blog!
The flowers are so lovely! Thanks you so much for your sweet birthday wishes! I wish you all the best in the new year as well! BTW I love the french music on your blog!!!
Sandy xox
Kelli, thanks for stopping by. :) Happy New Year to you as well! To hostest with the mostest....or the cutest mostest things. Was that English? Ha!
I bet the flowers are beautiful in the Netherlands. I noticed on some blogs I visit from the Netherlands or Sweden...they love white vintage. I love it so much!! White and silver are such calming colors.
I am going to put that translator on my blog if it kills me. :)
They are so easy, you will be successful, trust me! If I can grow them, anyone can! I don't have very good luck with flowers either. I tend to buy very "hearty" plans with little upkeep. :) Good luck and keep me updated!
Hey Soulchocolate!
Hope you had a good New Year! I am always at awe with flowers in any flower shop. I love the paperwhites because they brighten up a place. :)
I am jealous you have them under a tree just outside! You should try to grow them inside...there's always some sense of accomplishment when you force a bulb. :)
Hey Sandy,
I love the music too! I love all things French, in fact. If I could live in France, believe me, I would! Happy New Year!
They look so pretty! I'm scared I'll kill them. I have black thumb!
Blonde Duck,
Seriously, I had a black thumb too until I met Paperwhites. :)
What a beautiful flowers!! Just my kind of coloring!
I am going to get them today.
Thank you for your post.
I very much like to buy flowers,
I buy to match flowers hahaha..... ;)
I like them so match they are so beautiful and lovely , I can t without it ( I buy every week flowers :P )
Thank you so much for this help with growing the paperwhites. We bought three paperwhite bulbs in November and they are still sitting on my garden potting table. I have never grown them, so I will try your way. Yippee, I can't wait!
Oh,I LOVE paperwhites, what a lovely post!!
Happy 2009! I just spent quite a bit of time on your blog..very nice! You've found some really neat items.
I love some of these graphics you've got--pass me a tip on where you find them.
I"ve never had a paperwhite in my life--but your right-they are beautiful.
They looked so beautiful. Happy New Year to you.
Omg, Those are gorgeous Michelle! so pretty and such a great way to get an early "spring" feeling in your house! Im going to copy you! :) now I just have to find the bulbs :)
Thanks so much for stopping by, you are such a sweetie! and yes, you do laundry, I'll Iron :)
Happy 2009! Hugs, Cynthia
And so you all know, my mother has the best green thumb I know around. :) Our house we grew up in (no matter where it was) always had the most beautiful flowers! My father helped her with that as well. :)
Hi there!! I love your blog, Michelle!! Just enchanting! I'll be back real soon to savor every word!
Narcissus are one of my fav flowers in the world! I love the scent, and I love their delicacy!
I sooooooo ADORE paper whites... their smell is so incredible! My garden is filled with them! I love that they multiply and I get more and more every year!
ENJOY your day!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you make the Embellished Rubber Gloves and send me a picture!
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