Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Candles in Tin Cans, Another Award and I Won a Giveaway!

Photo and Craft Courtesy of Country Living

I have to admit guys, I've been pretty lazy this week with cooking, cleaning and decorating but I gotta get my rear-end going, which is pretty hard considering how large it is. In fact, my rear is starting to look like those cream cheese sugar cookies I made over the holidays! :( Anyway, I digress. Today's post is about an idea I found while searching on Country Living online and I thought it was adorable and so clever! They are candles in tin cans! I think they are just adorable and I have a few tin cans sitting around that might look better as a candle makeover. :)


Four 6-inch-length wire-core wicks, primed
4 wick holders
4 tin cans, approximately
4 inches deep and 2 inches wide 2.5 ounces stearin
1 disk wax dye, if desired 1.5 pounds paraffin wax
5-7 drops of fragrance, if desired (my addition)


1. Insert a length of primed wick into each wick holder and place a wick in the center of each tin. 2. In the top of a double boiler over medium heat, melt the stearin and wax dye, if using.
3. Add the wax. Melt and mix thoroughly. Heat to 190 degrees Fahrenheit.
4. Anchor the wicks in the tins by pouring enough wax into each tin to cover about 1/2 inch of each wick. Allow the wax to cool for about 30 minutes.
5. Wrap the end of the wicks around tie rods and rest the rods on the tops of the containers. Take up any slack in the wicks and center them within the tins. Be careful not to dislodge the anchors.
6. Reheat the wax to 190 degrees Fahrenheit and fill the tins to within 1/2 inch of the top. Allow to cool for one hour.
7. If the wax settles, reheat the remaining wax to 190 degrees Fahrenheit and top off the candles as necessary.
8. Cool for several hours or overnight. Remove the tie rods, trim the wicks to 1/4 inch, and the candles are ready to light.

I think I will try to make one or two soon and will show you but ONLY if they turn out okay. :)

Now for yet another award (you guys are giving me a big head) and winning a giveaway! Woohoo!

My newest friend and my sweet cat friend Anya over at KARELTJE en ikke !!! has awarded me with the Cat Blog Friendship Award! I never new cat awards existed but this one is so cute! Anya is a cat lover like me and she is always so sweet, happy and upbeat. It's always so fun talking with her. I love checking out to see what Kareltje (her cat) is doing for the day. Probably like my cats, either sleeping or eating! Ha! Checkout her blog when you have a chance. You are sure to smile! THANK YOU, ANYA! I love this award Mocha and Quincy say thank you to Kareltje!

Also, I won my second giveaway! I'm so, so excited. It's always like Christmas all over again when winning a giveaway and the excitement of waiting to see what you won is always so fun. I won my giveaway from Summer Gypsy over at Unshelved Words. Summer Gypsy and I are new blog friends and she was kind enough to welcome me with a giveaway win! What a welcome! You must see her blog. She writes so beautifully and I love all her pictures! She's oh so vintage! :) She won't tell me what I won but she said it's very special. I LOVE surprises. Thank you, Summer Gypsy! I can't wait to see what it is!!!

Did anyone watch American Idol tonight? Jim and I went out for dinner (I actually ordered breakfast :)) and came home and watched American Idol. It's always so amusing (but we never make fun of anyone). To each his own. ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle... Well, now, CONGRATULATIONS on the cute Cat Award... how FUN! And you have me curious... going from lazy to candle making in one fell~swoop!?!? You know I am going to be waiting to see how they turn out... awesome, is my bet! Of course, I'm anxious to see what your Give~Away surprise is, too! I'm a bit of an American Idol addict, so yes, I was tuned in to the opening show for this season... It was indeed amusing, and like always, I'm sooo looking forward to enjoying another season of singing 'n antics! Hope you 'n your animals are all doing well... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Tracey said...

First, Congrats on your award!! You are a cat lover and pamper your cats like they should be.. they are lucky to have a mother like you. And yes,, we watched American Idol too..I've been addicted to it since it came on. We sit and listen to the good singer.. who we think they are and who isn't that good. I don't always agree with the judges either, I sometimes think they go by looks way too much. It looks like a promising season ahead!! Have a good Wednesday.. gonna get windy and frigid here over the next few days..

Kathleen said...

No one deserves a cat award more than you. Anyone can see how the love for your fur babies comes shining through in your words, and photos. I missed American Idol last night, but plan to start watching. Making candles, oh I am just too tired t think about that right now....I am still recovering from the Holidays I guess. Have a fantastic day, and be sure to let us kow what you won in the give-away! Hugs,

Anya said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaai ^v^

Thanks for your kind words I do not know so well what to say hihi..

Unknown said...

Congrats on the award and winning the give-away! We all deserve to have lazy days some time :) I also like to have breakfast for dinner sometimes. I watched American Idol last night and I just loved how entertaining it is. I think the judges were a little harsh though.


Noodlegirl said...

OH love that cute award! Oh you sound like me I sometimes order breakfast during dinner and DA MAN get so irritated!!

Those tin candles look great! Might try one one day!

Heather said...

wow another award! congrats! yes, i watched american idol. i'm not liking the new judge so far though. something about her bugs me!

The Blonde Duck said...

I love those tins! They're so fun. I eat breakfast for dinner all the time. In fact Friday, Ben's working, so I'm making waffles. :) Lots of waffles, just for me. Slurp!

vanillasugarblog said...

Ohhh congrats! Isn't it fun winning? Enjoy!
You know your latest song on your blog (first one) reminds me of Paris...:::sigh:::
Let's go to Paris, have a cup of really good coffee, a croissant, and then shop? Sound good?

Anonymous said...

Award and a Giveaway win!! High five, Michelle! You deserve all of that and more!

I want to mention that I think you write terrific directions! I'm lousy at writing directions. You're very articulate and clear.

Tutti Chic said...

Congrats on the wins with the give-a-ways & the cute cat award!!Lucky, lucky you! LOVE the candle ideas-great post! :) Chris p.s. thanks for visiting today~so sweet!

Tea Time With Melody said...

hey now, you are still racking up the awards. And a CAT award too! Very cool.

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

HI Michelle!

First , congrats on your award! You so deserve it!! and second, oh my goodness, I LOVE those candles! I've never made any but I have always had an interest in trying! Those Tins are gorgeous too, what a clever idea! Thanks for sharing sweetie! and Thank you too for stopping and leaving such kind words as always! You are such a great gal!

oh yeah, lol, and sorry about the "shopping addiction" thing, I plead guilty :) but you got me back because now I'm sure i'll be out buying up old tins! ( I dont have any, lol ) Have a great week kiddo! Hugs, Cynthia

Anonymous said...

oh I love those candels! so pretty! I did watch idol it was so funny! Congrads on the award! big mermaid hugs


Pam said...

The candles are a great idea. Congrats on your award - you deserve it. I watch American Idol too... The blind guy made me cry - I was happy for him.

Anji Gallanos said...

That's a great idea..I have a few tea tins in my cupboard..I am going to give it a try. Congratulations!