When we first got them they seemed inseparable....

Oliver and Nick get along well...
And here is their dad, Tux.
Pearl over at Pearl's Sentimental Journey posted two awards for everyone to take if they wanted and I'm taking advantage of that! :) I remember when I first met Pearl (through blog-land). She had just lost her beloved Mocha (her ferret). I remember the name because my oldest cat is named Mocha and they had the same coloring :) Pearl is such a wonderfully, sweet, genuine person. Her blog is always a pleasure to look at. I also believe she recently acquired a darling little puppy named Cocoa. He's almost too cute to look at! ;) When you have a chance, swing on by to say hi! Thank you, Pearl for the awards!
I also got a meme from sweet, YOUNG, darling Melissa over at Sunbonnet Cottage. Here's how to play it. I'm supposed to open a document or photo folder and choose the 6th folder and then the 6th photo in that folder. Next I was told to post the photo with a description about it and then tag 6 friends to do the same. Here's my photo..and OH, it's me! ;) Seriously, I wasn't trying for me.
Anyway, I remember this day. I took Jim's two girls to a paint your own pottery place and we spent an enjoyable afternoon painting several things. Both his girls are very artistic. Well, the owners brought their dog Ruby into the shop that day. See, wherever I go, I almost always have to take a picture with an animal that is near me. Ruby was very old but she seemed so content just laying there enjoying the company of strangers who came by to show off their artistic talent. Although she didn't move much, she seemed happy. :)
Okay instead of passing this onto specific people, I'd like to keep this one open as well to anyone who would like to play along!
Hope you all are having a wonderful week so far!
Oliver is a very beautiful cat !!
Quincy and Oliver are so lovely together...( Kareltje want to play with the two boys hahaha...).
The picture from Quincy and Oliver are soooooo cute and lovely :)
That picture from Oliver (pissed look) hahahaha.....so funny !!
I like the award "you are my type of blogging chick" ;P
Aren't they cute? I thought you would enjoy those pictures! I'm sure they would love to play with Kareltje! Hehe! Take the awards, Anya, especially the "chick" one because you are my type of blogging chick too. ;)
Hihi thanks a take the award ;P
Hi Michelle... Who could not fall in love with Oliver?! Ohhh my goodness, that face!!
I really enjoyed the photos of him and Quincy... totally made me smile! Thanks so much for your sweet words, my friend... I'm delighted that you liked the awards and are going to be able to pass them along as well... Gotta love all of these amazing folks in blogland! Hope you had a great Monday and that the rest of the week is wonderful for you... Cocoa sends lil wet puppy kisses your way... God bless...
~hugs 'n prayers~
Michelle, I love the kitties.. they are so cute and your right, Oliver looks very pissed off in a big way. They are both so cute and I'm sure add a lot of enjoyment for both you and susan. Are you sure they both don't have a touch of "model" Cat in them.. they seem to pose so perfect.
What adorable pictures! That pissed off look just cracks me up! What type of disposition does he have? Is the look just a front or is a grouchy? What a great picture of you and Ruby!
Congratualtions on your awards... You are so my type of blogging chick! ;)
Have a great day!
wow, they really do look alike except for their color! how funny they are together!
Please look at my site !!!!!!!
I have a surprise for you ^v^ :D
I can't stop laughing at poor Oliver's look!! A face only a mother could love.
Oliver looks like he's such a loveable cat! Reminds me of my persian Max - he was so ugly he was cute! lol I like that picture of you and the Golden Retriever - looks like you cut your hair much shorter! Cute sis! By the way I promise to update my blog today!!!!
Oliver is actually VERY sweet despite his pissed off look. Lol!
I love those babies!!! They look like they could really find some mischief!!
OMG I LOVE THOSE CATS! So fluffy! How is it that I eat and get fat and you eat and remain so slim??? Not fair!!!
I just loveeeeee your blog I know I have said it a million times lol hey keep watch I gonna have some more peacock pictures they been coming on a daily basis and I got one of my cat looking at one that came up the balcony!
Oh Michelle that is just adorable! I love kitty pictures...love to see my blogging friends put them up as much as possible.
Hi Michelle,
That Oliver is a cutie just like Quincy for sure there!
Congrats on the Awards (that Pearl is one sweet chick herself). Cute photo of you too, I just want to hug that sweet doggie in the photo.
Happy day!
The cats are beautiful.
I love the picture in the sink! That's too funny!
Hi Michelle! I love the pictures- especially the one in the sink. Aren't animals wonderful? Thanks so much for the kind comments you left- again- very much appreciated. I am actually in Illinois near Chicago- we have a place in MI which is why there are so many MI pictures. Have a great day!
Hi Michelle,
I saw your post over on Farm Chicks and wanted to let you know that we do pet silhouettes all the time. They're one of our favorite subjects - we've done everything from dogs and cats to hedgehogs and turtles. I'm also just to your north in Vancouver, WA.
Awww they are the cutest! I had a siamese cat that loved laying in the sink and playing with the water in fact! Too cute
Congrats on your award, and to the winners :)
So cute! Congrats on the rewards.
Aah.. you put in links and I follow them... then I see another link that interest me and before long I've spent way too long on the computer :-)
You are just racking up the awards girl! I just love the pics of Oliver and his brother. I was going to do a post on my cat Tigger but the Wedding Dress got first billing. lol Pretty soon though.
Your cats are wonderful! The photo of you and Ruby is beautiful. The dog was certainly in heaven.
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