Thursday, January 15, 2009

Evening Craft - Butterfly Shadow Box Display

I decided to do an evening craft last night and as I was spending my last few dollars on my gift card at Michael's I came up with something that would be easy. I decided to make myself a butterfly shadow box display! It was so easy. Actually, if you remember, I got this shadow box on a Craigslist find with tons of other frames. I used that, picked out some baby blue background construction paper and a package of butterflies! Michael's has all kinds of butterflies in various sizes and colors. I believe they have insects too but I thought butterflies might be feminine and pretty.

To do this I took the cardboard that came with the shadow box and cut the baby blue construction paper to fit the size of the cardboard. I glued the construction paper to the cardboard and put some heavy books on it to set. I let that sit for about 30 minutes. Next, I glued each butterfly in place and voila! You have to let the butterflies dry in place for a few hours as well. Then position it in the shadow box, seal shut and hang! How easy is that?

Mocha thought they were real and decided to run for cover. ;)

It's almost Friday!


Hannah said...

Mocha is so cute! What a great idea, I just love the butterflies. Where are you going to put it in your house? You are so clever!

Have a great day!

Noodlegirl said...

Oh so cute! I am assuming you were home alone eeeehehhehe!

Heather said...

cute idea! the butterflies look very pretty.

Unknown said...

What a Lovely shadow box you've created! Awwww... dear Mocha running for cover from the butterflies... bless her heart! Thanks for sharing... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Anya said...

I did not know that you are soooooo creative ;) beautiful butterflies :D

Mocha in a crazy mood hihihi...
He looks very mischievous hahaha............ :)
Give him a big hug from me ^v^

Heather said...

I forgot to ask you, did you ever email me? I don't think I saw an email from you but I get a lot of spam and I could have deleted it by accident, sorry! Can you email me again when you get a chance so I can email you back, lol. I wanted to know if you wanted to participate with Stella next. my email is under my complete profile link. thanks! or you can message me on one of my posts.

Michelle said...

Heather, oh I forgot!! I will email you now. :)

Hannah, I'm going to put the shadowbox in the hallway right in front of the guest room. :)

Sonia, yes I had an evening to myself. :)

Pearl, Mocha is a bit of a scaredy cat but the sweetest thing!

Anya, Mocha is usually laid back but she can be a little brat, especially when she beats Quincy up when I'm not looking. Hehe!

vanillasugarblog said...

OK I need to do a craft night. What a fabulous idea! And yeah, come to think of it they do look fairly easy to assemble.
I would love to do a shadow box with paper currency from diff countries.

Patti said...

Hi Michelle~ very cute idea!!! I am sooo sad- our Micheals that is 5 minutes (with traffic) away is in the process of closing! It will be sorely missed!
I also loved the candle idea as well!

Take care~


Michelle said...

Hey Dawn,

That's a great idea....a shadow box with currency. Maybe you can get some antique looking paper for the background. :)

Patti, that is terrible about Michaels! I hope all the stores don't close. I LOVE Michaels...more than Joann's or Craft Warehouse (well Craft Warehouse is ok but there isn't one near me).

Sandra said...

What a great idea, beautiful butterflies :)

MaryBeth said...

Very cute cat...I love the shadow box idea, it looks great.

Anonymous said...

Such a cute idea.....I have spring fever terribly....and this is not good in January :) Happy Weekend!

Anya said...

Hai Michelle.....I wish you a lot of fun with your nice and your sister this weekend !!!!!!

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Ahhhh! I love this, and it is so weird, I am going out with my girlfriend later today and she wants to go to Michaels... I love what you did, I just saw one like yours at Urban Barn for $60... great job!!!!

Anonymous said...

You did a lovely job on the shadow box!! But, I know where Mocha's coming from: I once saw a Twilight Zone type show where a butterfly collectors' wife killed him and the butterflies came to life and attacked her.

And I have an over-active imagination! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michelle!

Zaroga said...

Great idea! Mocha is so cute!

The Blonde Duck said...

That's so cute! He's hiding from the butterflies!

Amy said...

Love the Butterfly Shadow Box! Reminds me of one we had when I was a little girl. Cute Mocha too!

Visual Vamp said...

What a great project and no butterflies were harmed ha ha!
And kitty Mocha is a cutey pie!
xo xo

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a wonderful idea! That turned out great. I love the blue background.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS for your fabulous
blog! come and take your AWARDS!

Four Paws and Co said...

Poor Mocha... This is such a beautiful idea! ♥

JEWEL said...

I love your blog. You have an eye for beautiful things.

Pam said...

You are a talented girl. Love your kitty.

Melissa said...

I love the ideas you come up with. You are a marvel and a talent.

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