Today at work I had to have maintenance come up to look at the light above my desk. You know the kind that has the long bulbs in it? It would NOT turn on. It was very frustrating. I tried everything.....twisted the bulb, jiggled the switch. Maintenance came up and did the same. Then he went on to tell me it was a "structural" issue. Oh well, he said he would put an order in to have another engineer come up and fix it.
Later that day....I needed to plug in my electric stapler. I reached behind my desk on the side of the wall and plugged it in. The light above my desk amazingly went on! IT WASN'T PLUGGED IN. Well I'm not the only blonde. Even an engineer couldn't figure it out.
Stella sat patiently as I prepared this short post. :) She found a good book to read. She's excited because tomorrow night we're going out to dinner with friends and she gets to come along!

Saturday Stella will be going to her new host! It's a secret... ;)
I think you need another one of those choc. cupcakes! tee hee
Hi Michelle
Yes, men do not always know everything that they think haha..
I hope that the problem is resolved. ;)
Lots of fun with your dinner and let you taste !!
Good night ;)
Actually, that same scenario has played out in my own life on numerous occasions...my hubby always gives me the hardest time about it! DUH!!! :)
Stella looks like she's enjoying a little chillaxin time! Can't wait to see where she's off to next!
Don't worry Michelle,, I have those blonde moments more often than I'd like to admit.. funny though it took a woman to figure it out!! Have a great day and enjoy the rest of your week with Stella... blessings to you..
Your story sounds so familiar. Like when I say to my husband, LL..."when I start it, it makes a terrible noise, I want you to listen". And of course I start it, and it NEVER makes the noise when he is standing there. Nothing like having egg on your face. Bon Voyage Stella, enjoy the trip! Hugs,
LOL...I love people who can tell on themselves. I have a friend who is very smart but is always doing something funny. The best part about being friends with her is that she tells us about all the crazy and hilarious things that happen. Like walking into the wrong house when she was going to a party, the time she woke up and found a stranger sleeping on her couch (he was drunk and thought he was at his house), the time a teenage girl crashed her car through the living room Never a dull moment when she's around.
too funny about the light! i love Stella's book!
This is too funny! Here is my email
Neabear2279@aol.com and let me know if what you asked is still going on. Thanks!
Haha I have blond moments like that all the time. They always make my husband feel manly. It looks like Stella is reading a great book!
I loved your 'light bulb moment'..LOL! I'm sure you'll miss Stella but the memories were great, ie: the fashion show :)
Sandy xo
I love that vintage pic!
*giggle* You know we all have those moments, don't you? :>
Stella is having such a grand time at your house! Has she and Mocha become friends yet after the uncertain start?
That was great, Michelle. Sounds like they need my 'Handy Man' husband at your place of employment--but wait, it doesn't appear that you even need 'maintenance' to get things to work! Stella seems like a very nice lady.
I enjoyed catching up on your blog, Michelle. That cupcake looked so good. I am past the 'blonde moments'. I now have CRS moments.... it seems to come with a lot of gray hairs :-D
Hi Michelle
That's strange about your light because our office lights were flickering this morning so we switched them off for a couple of hours. Then this afternoon they were fine but there's obviously something not quite right!
Stella looks to be enjoying relaxing at your house. What will she be wearing when she goes out for dinner, the boa or the bow?
Michelle you're not the only one to struggle with a lamp that's not plugged in. Maintenance guy definitely dropped the ball!
So good to see Stell hanging out and having fun with you. Can't wait to see where she goes next.
That's too funny - was the maintenance man blonde?
That light story is too funny!
Looking forward to Stella's excellent adventure!
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