My very good friend, Tracey, over at At Home on the Ridge sent me the Fabulous Blog award. Thank you, Tracey! Tracey has such a big heart and a great blog! She's like a friend I've known for years. :) Okay, this is really superficial of me but I've seen this award on other blogs and I really wanted it because I love the chic woman on it. Hehe! I finally got it! Yay!!! Tracey has a fab blog and she so deserves her. Swing by her place when you get a chance! Thanks for passing this on to me and the fun meme that goes along with it, Tracey! :)
So I am told to pass this along to blogs that I am addicted to and to tell you five things that I'm addicted to.. here it goes
1. Oh my gawd, MAGAZINES! You all know about my magazine addiction. I can't break the addiction either, it's terrible. I'm convinced there's something new and exciting in each magazine every month. So, what's a girl to do but buy as many as possible, right?
1. Oh my gawd, MAGAZINES! You all know about my magazine addiction. I can't break the addiction either, it's terrible. I'm convinced there's something new and exciting in each magazine every month. So, what's a girl to do but buy as many as possible, right?
2. Okay, I'm going to copy Tracey on this one. I am now a blogging addict. Good example, when my internet at home went down last week I started going through withdrawals. Do they have a drug for this? Anti-anxiety-blogging drugs? If so, I may need it in circumstances like this.
3. I will admit this also, but this may come as no surprise to anyone. I am a Starbucks addict. I MUST, at least once a day, have a Starbucks. It's so easy, too, when there's a Starbucks at the bottom of my building that I work in.
4. This one is easy. One word. THE FOOD NETWORK. Wait, that's three words. So you also know school was never an addiction because I can't count. Even if I'm not watching TV it will be on in the background and on The Food Network. I used to just watch people make food but now I'm actually cooking (hmmm...after 10 years)? Okay, okay, Teresa I admit I can be a good cook, it's just getting me to cook that's the issue. ;)
5. Decorating. Again, Tracey, I'm right there with ya! I love decorating. It never seems to end does it? When you think you've done it all, there's always rearranging again and again and again! ;)
So I'm to pass this along to five other bloggers that I think are FAB. I am feeling generous today because I think everyone's blogs that I visit are fabulous!! Please, take a minute and grab this award and post this meme. I'd like to get to know each and every one of you and your addictions a little better. ;)
On another note, I received my angel wings today from Kelly at Southern Fried Cupcakes. Talk about talented girl! These wings are perfect! They are so soft and so beautiful. I'll have to tell you a funny story. When I first got them I hung them over the corner of my canopy bed in the guest bedroom not noticing what was already hanging on the corner. It was my "Believe" sign. I put the wings right over the sign and started walking away....then had to look twice. The wings hung right over that sign "Believe" as if to tell me something. I DO believe angels are amongst us, do you? This evening I moved them over to the front door (so my angel wings can protect my home). Aren't they gorgeous? I really do need to remember to take pictures during the day. It's a little dark...but still beautiful. :) Thank you so much, Kelly!! You are so talented and an angel yourself. If you get a chance, swing by her website!

Well, it's been a long weekend. Time for Monday but I won't allow the Monday blues to get me! Next weekend is a long weekend for me and I have special guests. I can't wait! The next few days I have more awards and memes to post. Stay tuned!
Michelle! Michelle!!! You WON!!! Yes, indeed, you have won my 100th Post giveaway at Unshelved Words! I need a mailing addy. Please email me PaperAngel@aol.com with your info!!! I have not posted the prize...It's especially for you...not even a hint!
Michelle....congratulations on your award, your angel wings, and winning the give away! You are a busy girl!. You really deserved the fabulous blog award! YOur blog is beautiful, with a beautiful heart and spirit guiding it. You are so kind and sweet....hugs to you, Kathleen
Congrats on your award! I share many of your addictions: magazines, starbucks, decorating... haha.
very pretty angel wings. congrats on the award and winning the give-away! you are rockin!
AHA! I'm glad Tracey got you to admit that you cook (and are probably too modest to tell us how fabulous you are at it). :) Congrats on your award!
Those angel wings are gorgeous!
p.s. I'm trying to break my blog addiction.... ;>
Congrats on winning the giveaway, your award and the angel wings. You have a wonderful blog - you deserve it.
Well... you deserve your award thats for sure!! Hope all is well wtih you!!
hey Michelle! you can find the J.R. Watkins products on their website and possibly Target stores. Target has some of the stuff in their "more expensive/more name brand" section in the beauty isles. I love their website though and they have so much stuff! That deodorant smells so good and works great!
the website is:
oh i forgot to tell you or ask you for your email address. i have a question to ask you about something fun you may want to participate in... Daphine and April both did it, now it's my turn. anyway if you go into my profile you can email me directly so I can see if you're interested in being next!
Congrats on the award, Michelle. You deserve it. Nice hearing of your addictions.
hey michelle!! i knew magazines would definitely be on your addictions list. i'm like that with cosmo!! i get every issue of it even though they all have the same stuff in them (how to please your man, how to know your man's cheating, etc).
the woman in the award totally looks you, so it's obviously meant for you. congrats!!
Congrats! You deserve it! And you deserve Summer Gypsy's giveaway! :)
Ohh an award! Yay! Well sweetie you have a wonderful place here in bloggerland for all of us to come and chillllll out.
I love to have the food network on in the background or some old big band jazz. Jazz always soothes my mind...
Kisses to those kitties for me!
I most definitely believe angela are amongst us. No doubt in my mind.
Congrats on your award and angel wings.
Thank you so much for your sweet comments to me about my aging dilema. You really are a true angel.
Love Melissa
Michelle~ I loved your meme- we have some things in common- MAGAZINES!!!!! It's a terrible addiction... Starbucks, Food Network (and I collect cookbooks and rarely use them- reading and watching make me like I have made fabulous meals)blogging addiction, and decorating. You so deserve your award and your angel wings are beautiful! Have a great day!
Michelle,( I made a grammar errer and needed to correct it.. here is my post) You deserve this and so much more. You have a Fabulous Blog and I love to see what mood the pin-up girls are in.. I love that we have become friends and your kind, sweet spirit is infectious. I can't wait to see your posts and to see what you are up to on the west coast. Blessings to you this week and in all you do and create!!
January 12, 2009 5:00 PM
Congratulations with your AWARD, you really deserved it :D
You have a wonderful blog,and have sooooo many friends in blogland ;P
A very big hug haha.... Anya
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