Saturday, January 10, 2009

My 100th Post!

I never thought I'd get here but today is my 100th post! Am I prepared? No, of course not. In fact, the last few days my internet connection at home was down and someone finally came out today to fix it. I begged and pleaded with them to come earlier because I had to update my blog, that I was going through blog withdrawals at home! They didn't care. It was pretty sad. I would sit at home arms length from my laptop and just stare at it. Just stared at my walls, wondering what to do. I'd flip through a magazine, turn the TV on, ho, hum, ho, with the cats. Play with the cats some more...and more...and more. Then the cats got tired of me. Then they called Qwest and begged that they come out and get my internet connection up because I was driving them crazy.

Then FINALLY, I'm up again and I get to post my 100th post! I am going to do a giveaway this week but haven't prepared for it. Dang that 100 came up quick. Probably because I post almost everyday (because I have no life). ;)
Most importantly, I'd like to thank each and every one of you (should I be holding some sort of Oscar?) for coming into my life and making my blogging experience so fulfilling! I never thought my whole world would change like this. I never thought I could cook, create, write, become little Suzy Miss Homemaker until I met all of you! You have inspired me to turn into this creative junkie. I mean I knew I had it in me I just needed inspiration to get it outta me! I am happier these days because of you. In fact, aw heck, you complete me. Okay, enough! THANK YOU, THANK YOU everyone! I hope we all continue to inspire one another for a very long time.
This week I will post my GIVEAWAY! It will be my first and I'm so excited!!
Hope you're all having a great weekend! Lots of hugs!


Heather said...

congrats on 100 posts! isn't blogging so much fun?! i agree with you. i never knew it would be this much fun. i never knew it would get me inspired again to decorate and cook lots of yummy things! i'm glad we became blogging friends!

Michelle said...

Oh yes, I love it Heather. I met so many people, including you, who have inspired to, well, live a life of inspiration! Thank you so much for being such a wonderful friend as well. :)

Anya said...

I follow your blog this year and next year hahaha....I am a loyal visitor ;P
I like blogging hihihi...... :) I looked every day ;)I like your blog !!

"Congratulations" with your
100th Post

Michelle said...

Thank you, Anya! I'm so glad to have made friends with you recently. I love your blog as well...your cat makes me laugh. Hehe! I will be a regular visitor to your blog as well. Can't wait until your 100th post. :) Have a great weekend!

a. said...

Congrats! I love reading your blog and have added your sister's blog as well to my list :-)


Michelle said...

Oh thank you a. (what is your name, ha!). Your blog keeps me IN STYLE for sure. Thank you for keeping me up to date on all the latest fashions and trends. :)

Anonymous said...

Michelle, thank you for the visit and compliments. Your niece is a very beautiful little girl; Happy Birthday to her!

a. said...


alyssa aka a.

Melissa said...


You make me laugh. Reading your post reminded me of that famous line Sally Field gave when she won an Oscar. You know the line that goes like, "You really like me".

You know what, we all really do like you. Heck, we all love and adore you.

I'm so glad you created your blog.

Love Melissa

Anonymous said...


on your 100th post!

~cheers 'n tosses confetti~

I've really enjoyed your pretty blog, Michelle... and I'm very much looking forward to the next 100 posts! Like yourself, I've found great inspiration among the wonderful Ladies of blogland... Hope you're weekend's been kind to you so far... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Zaroga said...

Congrats on the 100th post, Michelle.

Your niece's blog is so cute! I really like visiting it.

You have inspired me as well as some of my other blogger friends. Hopefully soon I will be able to put some of those inspirations to good use.

Your blog makes me smile :-)) ... and you know I really need that lately :-)) Thank you!

Tracey said...

Congrats MIchelle,, you are an inspiring person yourself and thank you for all of your inspriation. I have had fun meeting you and expanding my circle of friends in this blog world as well.. keep up the good work and know I love to read your posts everyday.. your a blessing to all who read from your site..

Seawashed said...

Congrats on your 100th post you sexy girl! Your blog is one I visit every day! And I will have to go visit your sister and niece's too.

And happy happy birthday to your beautiful niece PARIS! She is so pretty. Reminds me of my Gracie at that age...she had long light brown hair just like that with the sweetest face. She always reminded me of the little girl in Braveheart whom gives William the thistle flower. YOur Paris reminds me of her too. Love that name, so romantic.

Janet said...

Congrats on your 100th sis! It kinda seems like it went by fast didn't it? And you became such an expert at it so quickly!!!!!


david mcmahon said...

G'day from Australia and congratulations on the wonderful landmark.

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Hi. I just found your blog. Very cute. Congrats on 100 posts.

AndreaLeigh said...

congrats on your 100th post. i've really enjoyed getting to know you, and your blog is definately one I must visit each and every day. :)

Elaine said...

Wow, 100 posts! Congratulations.
Your blog is wonderful. You are always upbeat and interesting and you write with a great sense of humor.

So glad we met last year!

Tea Time With Melody said...

Hey 100th post, way to go! It took me a year to start blogging after watching my sister, but I am glad I did. It's like one big slumber party ya know. Everyone sharing their ideas on, food, decorating, family etc... I would love to meet each and every one of you wonderful gals.

Connie said...

Congrats on #100! I am almost there and agree with you that blogging has been alot of fun and so fulfilling meeting such nice people from all over. Just found you tonight while catching up with my blog reading and glad I found you. Your niece is adoreable! Connie

Kathleen said...

Michell....Congratulations on your 100TH post. Like you I have come to enjoy the world of blogging more than I ever thought possible. Your blog is beautiful, informative, and fun. You are an inspiration to us all. Cheers and Bravo, Ya-hoo and Wa-Hoo....can't wait to read the next 100 and more.......hugs, Kathleen

The Blonde Duck said...

Congrats! I love the pin-up pic. Isn't it cool how many fabulous people we meet?

Patti said...

Hi! Congrats on your 100th Post!! I'm with you- I never knew this cyberstuff would become so important to me and I can totally sympathize with you about the internet problem! Too bad the internet guy didn't "get it"- he's obviously NOT a blogger. I love your blog- it is loaded with so much creativity and inspiration!

Thanks for your comment-please visit again soon!

Unknown said...

Awww....I love what you wrote and I share the same feelings! Congrats on getting the computer back up! after all, blogging is addictive and there are some serious side effects when you have to go off it for a while..LOL!Happy 100th post!


Michelle said...

Hi everyone!

Thank you for all the wonderful comments and congrats on my 100th post. I couldn't make it happen without all of you! I'm having a busy weekend but I will be posting again tonight...and later this week my first giveaway that I want you all to remember to enter! :) Once I have a little time later this evening I will be visiting you all!

Hope you're all having a great weekend!

Michelle (Mocha and Quincy)

Noodlegirl said...

100th post wow! I loveee your blog! Congrats! Wait till you see what is on my blog you will be surprised!

Debra from Bungalow said...

Congratulation to you! Can't wait for the giveAway, Hugs, DebraK

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Happy 100th!!! : D

My 100th came up so quickly I missed it . . . 101 was my celebratory marker.

Hannah said...

Happy 100th! Congratulations! I just love your blog! Here is to another 100 wonderful posts! *cheers*

xox ~H

Anonymous said...

Woohoo, Michelle!! High five on your 100th post!! Sorry I'm late to the party, but I hope you saved some champagne and hor d'eouvres for me. ;)

Sara said...

Congratulations on your 100th post - here's to 100 more!

KeKe said...

Michelle, I hope I'm not too late!?
The wings look GREAT hanging wit your BELIEVE sign!!
They must've been meant for you??!!

XO Kelly