Today is Mocha and Quincy's good friend Kareltje's birthday (Monday)! Please visit Anya and Kareltje today to wish them a happy birthday! Mocha and Quincy would like to present this gift of a beautiful can of tuna. :)

Also! Tracey over at At Home On the Ridge and Lisa Michelle over at Memoirs of a Wedding Planner both awarded me this sweet award at the same time! This is the Lemonade Award. What this award is about..Bloggers who show great attitude and gratitude.What you have to do...Upon receiving The Lemonade Award, you also pass it on to other bloggers who you think show great attitude and gratitude. Thank you both so much. I'm so overwhelmed with all these awards! You guys are so sweet! Lisa Michelle has an awesome site on planning your big wedding day. She should know, she's a wedding planner! Every time I think of her I think of that movie The Wedding Planner with Jennifer Lopez. I loved that movie! Also, Tracey, my sweetest, dearest blogging friend has a sweet site as well. She is so genuine and full of love herself. She seems to know what life is all about. :) She's always spreading love around. It's just who she is! Thank you guys so much! I'm going to keep this award open for all those who "follow" my blog. You guys bring a smile to my face when I see who is actually following this crazy blog! :)

Happy Monday! No Monday blues....make it the start of a great week! Pics of visit with sis and niece are coming, promise! Also, I have something special to show all of you and it's about my paranormal group! Stay tuned.
Is it weird that the pic of the can of tuna made me hungry??
Congrats on your award!
Hi Mocha Quincy and Michelle
Thank you for your sweet greeting:)
The tuna was delicious !!!
miauww miauww mauw mauwwwww....
You were the first to be congratulated, I appreciate that very much hahahaha...
Nice that you've created a blog about Kareltje ...birthday :D
Very sweet of you
A big hug .. for you all !!
Hi Michelle! Love the cat pics- animals sure are funny- if we really knew what they were thinking...How was your paranormal meeting? Can't wait to see what you are planning to show us...hope it's a spooky picture! Have a great day!
You're too funny..LOL! I can't wait to hear about your paranormal group!
Happy birthday to the kitty! Congrats on another award too!
What cute kitties! Congrats on your award...is Miss Stella staying out of trouble? :)
Does he want a PB Kitty cake?
Congratulations on your awards Michelle.
Your cats are just adorable.
Glad to hear Mocha is looking after Stella!
Michelle,,you so deserve the award!You always have such positive thing to say and make me want to smile too.. Glad you had a good Monday..me too.. work was actually fun today. Happy Birthday to your friend, Kareltje..lucky to have friends like you, Mocha and Quincy...
Did Stella help celebrate the birthday? Just wondering what she has been up to while hanging out with you.
Quincy never has a bad face!! Mocha is a totally cute doll herself. I so love your kitty cats!
Congrats on yet another award, Michelle!! We all love you!
Okay, Pin up girls, Lucy, tons of pictures of your cat and you love baking...not to be creepy but you might be my long lost twin. Hahaha. I love your page!!
Oh, your cats sound like mine! I have two also, "Buddy" and "Blue Boy", they are such characters! One is persian and the a Himalayan, both spoiled, of course, but two of my best friends! I love love your blog and am going to follow you! I would love to invite you to follow me! I am also having a Giveaway this month, so you may want to visit my blog! Good luck should you decide to join in the fun giveaway! Mimi
I feel special. Thank you forthe mention. Your a sweetie!
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