See, when I was little my dad worked next door to a small horse stable and after school the owner of the stable would let me ride her horses in their little arena while I waited for my father to finish work. Sometimes he would lean over the fence and watch me. Those were very good memories. I loved horses and I loved horseback riding. I even had an extensive horse collection. Unfortunately after "life" took over I just had not had the time. I missed it though. Yesterday it was like I had never forgotten how to ride. :)
The day was a little rainy so I didn't take any pictures of myself since I was drenched like a rat. Lol! We had a great time though. We rode on some old logging trails (also horse trails). We took some lunch, cold fried chicken, chips and drinks! We rode all the way to an old cabin they call Annie's Cabin. The view was beautiful and the sound of the river was soothing. Ahhh...this is my kind of relaxing.
This is Magic Man. Debbie rode him because he was still a little "young punk" as she called him. Lol! I was just fine with that. He was so good and minded his manners yesterday and spared bucking her off. :)

Getting Magic Man saddled....

This is Arie, the sweetie I rode. He was SO good. Horses can typically sense strangers but we bonded so quickly. He would nudge me if he wanted a pet on the nose. He was so adorable!

and Twinkie...

and Keeley. That's the most smashed face I've ever seen. Lol! She was so cute though!

And their Chow, Mocha. He usually goes riding with her but today he had to stay home. :(
All in all it was a perfect day (despite the weather). Debbie said she foresees a lot more riding in my future. After yesterday I'm thinking of taking lessons!
Oh my such cute cats and beautiful horses! You are so lucky guess what I did all day yesterday eat eat eat at home n watch tv lol!
I love horse back riding! I hadn't gone for over 29 years when the last two falls, we have been going to a local stables and spending a couple of hours riding the trails in the pretty fall woods. I do get sore when I ride, but it is worth it!
how fun! what a great day. i'm glad you had a good time!
So glad you had a great time, Michelle.
The cats are so cute! and so is the pup!
I feel like I rode that horse. I pulled weeds this weekend and my butt muscles and legs hurt :-)
Hey, I had a Great birthday and one year older .....LOL
You had also a nice saterday with horse riding :))
And what a lovely cats ,they are sooooooo cute !!!
I haven't been riding in ages either and I used to own my own horse. Been riding ever since I was sent away to boarding school. I miss it, but I'm not that flexible anymore LOL
Don't you love how animals just latch on to you like that? I get a lot!
You are a brave women.... love the idea of riding,but..o.k. I am a chicken at heart!!! Glad you had fun, talk soon... Chrissy
how fun! i've never been on a horse, lol. great pictures. maybe next time it will be sunny for you.
Great that you had such a lovely time riding on Saturday, it is quite magical sometimes to get out and about with these creatures. Great to hear that you are not saddle sore.
I had a very horsey weekend too, I spent 4 days at an indoor event, both dressage and showjumping which included loads of FEI accredited competitions, it was just fantastic to watch some of the best riders in the world, and their beautiful horses.
How wonderful. You should ride more if you can. There is nothing more relaxing and freeing.
Aaaahhhhh! So sweet, that makes me want to get my horse, Fred, out and take him for a ride. Wait this is the northwest and it is pouring and supose to snow this week. Ick. I guess I will wait a month or two. Thanks for sharing the cute pics.
Hi Michelle, the horseback riding looks like it was fun. Wow, I love all the pine trees in your area--lots of green year round. I like the way a horse's skin 'smells'.
Oh how fun! I'm a big animal lover too!
I wish we lived closer! We could riding and then go hunt for ghosts together!
Can you email me your address. I want to send you a little something.
I have fallen behind on blog reading again. Heck, I am always behind on something. Anyway, I am catching up on your blog now. Sounds like you had a blast on your day out with the horses.
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