Well I'd had it. I couldn't take anymore! Quincy couldn't take anymore! Mocha started meowing BECAUSE of the howling! You guessed it. Emma had gone over her limit on
yowls and first thing this morning I hunted down a vet that had an opening to get her fixed. For the last four nights I've averaged about 5 hours of sleep a night because of this little girl. Even Quincy tried to understand what was going.
Quincy: Okay, listen, I'll do anything.....what's a man supposed to do? Want ice cream, fish, tuna? Just SHUT UP!
Emma: You men JUST don't understand what us women have to go through. Just go away.
Eight hours later....
Whaaaat the heck just happened?
She howled a few times tonight and I cringed. I hope because she was in the middle of heat it didn't take or something.
Last but not least, the little pink tree has hatched some eggs. :)

Turning in early (yea, this is early for me if you can believe it, 11 p.m. at night) but I need to catch up on my sleep!
Poor little girl! Hope she feels better soon.
The little boy who lives next door to me came over with his new puppy. He said they were going to take him to the vet for surgery. My sister asked if he was getting fixed and he looked at her with a strange look and said "No! He isn't broken. He is just going to have surgery so he can't be a daddy" We laughed at that.
Love your egg tree. It's very pretty.
Oh I'm a night owl too. I go to bed around 12:00am and then watch tv until around 3:00 am.
Poor Quincy...LOL
I'am happy for Emma, she cant help it :)
Cooooooooool pictures you make :))
You are early with easter decoration, but its very nice, I love pink colors :))
Hmmm...I wish I could go to sleep but I'm pulling the late shifts this week. My schedule is upside down.
Well, glad to hear that you took Emma in. When the girls were in heat, I bought 2 foldable cages so that we could keep them in the living room at night. This helped the family sleep better.
Tonic will probably need to seem the vet again. I have some concerns with her healing.
Well, have a good rest.
Ohhh poor, sweet, yowling Emma girl... and poor, sweet, tired Quincy and you!! Glad you're "taking care" of things...
Loving your Pink Easter tree... it's Adorable... a shame about the chocolate chip cookies ~sad sigh~ ...at least you'd not slaved, like you said, over the dough... Hope you got some decent sleep...
God bless...
~hugs 'n prayers~
You know I feel like howling sometimes too.. I understand where Emma is coming from. I wish I could make a vet appt for me!! Anyway..hope you get some sleep now and everything settles in your home..love your tree..Isnt' it great. A tree for all seasons and holiday.."Not just for Christmas anymore!". Have a great day.
Poor Emma!... and the rest of you! I hope you all catch up on your sleep.
Love the pink tree... a great idea you had for it.
Well, looks like Emma was just howling to get fixed! She'll be much happier now - as will the rest of your family:) Get some zzzzzzzzzzzz's!
I had my little Zoey fixed, but that doesn't stop all the stray cats outside my house to yowl when it's that season. Hope you get some rest.
Michelle, I love your Easter Tree. I keep saying I'm goiing to make a spring banner, but I haven't got to it yet. Your little Emma will be so much happier, now that she's had her surgery. Mr Ming says he barely remembers his. Hugs, Kathleenj
OH too funny I know how you feel!!!! Love the tree!
well i hope she can relax now and you can catch up on some much needed rest! and quincy, poor thing, lol! cute tree.
I give you an award wil you pick it up? (@^.^@)
I hope she feels better! I would have never ignored you if I'd come to visit, even for bbq! I would have just taken you with us!
Oh, poor Emma...and poor rest of the family. Hope she can feel better soon!
Great easter decoration. Pink is lovely!
The pink tree is so pretty!
It's interesting how different practices in the diverse countries are: Here she wouldn't have been fixed in mid-heat because everything is so supplied with blood. We're glad, everything went well and she's on the road to recovery! More sleep fore everyone, that's great!
Chilli sends her deepest sympathies, she was fixed some time ago too. Fur is growing back slowly. Thank you for visiting us!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
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