And my favorite princess of all....

What do they all have in common? They were all beautiful, they were respected for their strength, for what they gave, for what they sacrificed...and they found true love.
"Love me without fear
Trust me without questioning
Need me without demanding
Want me without restrictions
Accept me without change
For a love so free.... Will never fly away."
~ by Dick Sutphen ~
....I'm afraid this princess has had to fly away for good.
...And one day my prince charming would come
and hold my hand and dance me around
would take me up and up and up
to the frosted and beautiful folds of cloud
me and prince would dance along
till the night is passed and the sun is dawned
till the sun is set and the night is borned
and that very night is permanently prolonged
My life will change to a wonderland
all the blessings will be combined and summed
my life will sing a beautiful song
and one day my prince charming will come................
I'm in a romantic mood today, and I wanted to be a princes :))))))
Michelle, what a pretty post. I always wanted to be a princess in my secret life.. I think I love Princess Grace of Monaco the best.. she was so elegant and gracious.. and a great actress as well!!
That was a wonderful quote.
They wear the best clothes in my opinion!! I wish I could have lived during such times...
Oh gosh, how I love the theme from Braveheart. It conjures up all kinds of feelings. Music can do that. And of course, the French princess from that movie is my favorite. So beautiful. Must have been cold and drafty in those castles. Lovely post, Michelle, thank you, Hugs, Kathleen
Hi Michelle,
First of all, thank you for becoming a follower of my blog, that is really kind of you. I am new to this, and still trying to find my feet, but am really enjoying it. Both of your blogs are really great, I Like this post, do not we all want to become a princess? I have always liked the Princess Diana the best, not in the least for all the good work she did, despite what a lot of people say.
My very favorite is/was Diana... she was a lovely woman.
You forgot about Princess Leah in Star Wars, she's my favorite.
Princess Diana was my all time favorite! Look at that face....hauntingly beautiful and totally unforgettable.
wow you picked the greatest princesses of all time! what a pretty post.
this post gave me goosebumps ..
so beautiful
Oh Michelle I loved princess Diana! I remember my hubbs and I were eating out with friends when the waitress came over and told us that she'd died...I kept waiting for it to be a joke. She had come through so much, and I'd hoped she'd finally found happiness. And princess Grace died so tragically too! Maybe it's better to be a commoner! You are such a romantic girlfriend...truth is so am I *winks* I sure hope we can all get together again. Maybe in July for the next show? I have another friend and fellow blogger who'd love to join us if we all attend that one. And I could save up some more moola because I was feeling more than a little tortured! How bout you? Love Vanna
Oh poo! I cam over to answer a question then got all discomboobulated! I'm 50. How old are you? Because I'm pretty sure you are a lot older than YOU look! (not that you're old or anything *winks*) But I was doing the math on all that stuff you told me....And I take it you're not 25?*winks* Vanna
BOOOHOOO....I'll be 42 in a few months. Whaaaaa. I'll be okay. I can handle this. Lol!
I love your site and this post. I think all women have an inner princess, or we would not be so taken with the idea of princesses. Thanks so much for sharing.
Stop crying sis....I'm older than you remember? My birthday's first remember....BOOHOOHHAA! xoxox
I liked Snow White:)
My favorite Princess...my daughter Molly!
Great post!
Princess Diana, hands down-- The Best.
I love Disney's Sleeping Beauty who is rescued by her dashing prince (as was I). To be the princess of my own cottage is the best, I think. (As I pity those real princesses that have had to put up with so much . . . )
We do dream of being a princess don't we? As a young girl I would read every book I could get my hands on about princesses. I think it is something planted deep inside us by our maker. A knowing of who we were created to be. I so enjoyed your post. I always do. Love your kitties too.
Hi Michelle,
Princess Di is my favorite too. I also love the movie The Little Princess, it is so good. I took my daughter to see it years ago and ended up buying the movie for her (but I've watched it more than she ever did!). As they say in the movie: "All girls are princesses, didn't anyone ever tell you that?" See, I've seen the movie a few times!
Happy week!
Princess Di is my favorite too. I have EVERYTHING I could collect on her. Even all the newspapers of the accident, the Times magazines, etc. I just got the set of 8 in a series of plates on her. My favorite is the one song tape of Englands Rose sang by Elton John.
Aww who doesn't love a princess. Nice post!
I always liked Princess Jasmine too
Love this post! I miss Lady Di.
You got it right for me...these are all favorite princesses of mine...except princess di...I never fell for her like the whole world did...I think it is the short hair, I've always liked long. Like Grace Kelly.
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