Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Little Pick Me Up and An Award!

After work today I was going to head over to the bookstore to take a look at a book when all of a sudden something caught the corner of my eye! Was it? Could it be? The back of my hand quickly covered my mouth in fright! I gasped and stepped back in horror for I knew this was a dangerous, dangerous place where I could become vulnerable! It was sucking me in, like a tornado, pulling me closer and closer...sucking me in like an innocent lamb! I tried holding back! I even held onto the automatic door at the bookstore as my knuckles turned white! was ANTHROPOLOGIE! Then the security guard told me to make up my mind about going in the bookstore because it was setting off the automatic door.

Okay, I admit, I did go in for a peak but I ONLY ended up with this sweet tea towel and I deserved a little pick me up because my hormones are back to normal.

I just love walking through Anthropologie....

What is it mommy?

I'll model it for you....

Isn't it sweet?

The back of the tea towel.

And meeting the other tea towels...

Also! I received the Fabulous Blog Award from Cindy Ruth over at Baked Alaska! Thank you so, so much, Cindy! Cindy has a fabulous FOOD blog. You know those are my favorites. She has a great post on how to make homemade mozzarella so swing on by and check out the yummy goodness of her blog!

With this award I am supposed to talk about 5 things I think are fabulous and pass this award on. As usual, I would like to pass this on to all the bloggers that swing by my place. Everyone deserves it in my opinion. We all work hard on our blogs to make them fabulous! :)

5 Things I Think Are Fabulous

1. My fur babies. Without them I would be one sad puppy and I'd be without a warm furry baby beside me every night. They are always there for me through good and bad and I LOVE THEM!

2. My wonderful family for being there for me and supporting me! Love you guys!

3. My closest friends who are always there for me as well! Love you all!

4. Starbucks. Without my daily iced non-fat, no whip, Cinnamon Dolce latte I'm not sure where I would be. Still in bed maybe? Lol!

5. For ALL OF YOU!! You have made my life exciting each and everyday I'm on here blogging. :)
Yay, we're halfway through the week.


Tulip Bliss said...

You know its my favorite store...I love it!!!

Four Paws and Co said...

Congrats on the award and for your awesome will power to only buy one amazing, fantastic tea towel!!! ☺ Diane

Rainy Day Farm said...

Cute towels! Contrats on the award, you do have a great blog and you deserve it. Thanks for making our days a little brighter, just like your starbucks coffee.

Tracey said...

Michelle, you do have a fabulous blog,, love visiting and your tea towel is wonderful.. we don't have one of those stores in Maine,, maybe that's a good thing,, I might be in big trouble if there was one!!

Kathleen said...

I love your tea towels. I always buy tea towels that have a coffee theme...I guess you could say I collect them. Problem is, after i buy them, I don't really want to use them...what is up with that? Hugs, Kathleen

Catherine Holman said...

I can't say that I blame you. I would have to buy that towel too! How cute!!!!!

Patti said...

I have never been in Anthropologie! And I can just guess I am missing ALOT!!! It looks like a wonderfully addicting place.

Congrats on the award- have a fabulous day!

KeKe said...

I love that towel!

Zaroga said...

Glad you are no longer hormonal :-)

That looks like a wonderful place to wander through. Love your description.. you are a great writer.

The tea towel is adorable. My husband asked me why they call them tea towels... now I need to do some research :-)

Congrats on the award!

Noodlegirl said...

Oh I love that store too! Congrats on the award.

vanillasugarblog said...

I would be lost without my Starbucks too.
I get that catalog in the mail and I just love the carpets they have.

Heather said...

i love, no, i LOVE your new towel! so pretty!!! congrats on your award!

Amy J said...

Ooh, Anthropologie is my favorite place and the closest one is an hour away, thanks for sharing!!! That is the sweetest tea towel ever!!!

Cat with a Garden said...

Concats on the award!
That tea towel is indeed very sweet. Thanky cat we don't have a store like this over here... ; )
Purrs, Siena

Anonymous said...

Hey chick!! I love that store also! I wish we had one here. I am hosting a swap but cant decide the theme! I need help! come by my blog and cast your vote and spread the word! big mermaid hugs


Anonymous said...

Ohhh... My! What a Darling Tea Towel... just Perfect for you!

Congratulations on your recent, and well deserved, Award... and, thank you for passing it along to your friends! Loved reading your "Fab List", too... Hope that your upcoming weekend is wonderful...
God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~
