I was itching for a quick craft so I painted a wooden egg pink with a silhouette of a bunny and bejeweled her with a rhinestone necklace. :) After taking this picture I realized I need to shine 'er up!

Did I tell you all about my
new found interest? Quilting! I have a very sweet gal I work with who is going to teach me how to piece a quilt! I'll have someone else do the actual quilting part. I don't think I have the patience for that. My first quilt will be small. The fun part is shopping for fabric and I have found some SWEET fabrics. Sweet, as in with food on it. I swear that's all I think about, FOOD!
Afterthought. You are going to think I'm crazy but I kept looking at these pictures...and looking at the bunny and then I screamed! Ohmigosh, this bunny looks like the Playboy bunny and that's not my intention! I was mortified when the thought came to my head! Whaaaaa!! Okay, just know that's not what I wanted it to look like, k? :( LOL
Now I can sleep.
I love the egg! Where did you get the bunny? Very cute!
You get to learn how to quilt! I've ALWAYS wanted to make a quilt!
I swear you are going to think I'm making up that I like all the same stuff as you but it's true!
I think you need to move back to OC so we can hang out.
Ha! Okay, don't tell that to my mom because she will gang up with you on wanting me back home. Lol! I painted the bunny on the egg! I got back online though because I'm a little mortified. The more I look at it the more it looks like the Playboy bunny!! Eeek!! :( LOL
Joanne, we will definitely get together the next time I'm home visiting my mother!!! I can't wait. :)
Hi Michelle... Your Pink Bunny Egg is Darling! I'm in awe of your quilting quest, and will be looking forward to seeing your work in progress... Ohhh, yes, you do put on a pretty face! Tee~Heeeee @ your pin-up mood... Thanks for always bringing smiles to my world...
God bless...
~hugs 'n prayers~
Please hug your fur-babies for me!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww the egg is so beautiful, I come and pick it up ....LOL
Gif Mocha Emma Quincy a big hug from =^.^= & (@^.^@)
Michelle, I like your bunny very much. the colors are perfect and the necklace an elegant touch! I have done a little quilting.. not much and I have finished one piece...I'll take a photo and you can see.. the batting isn't finished and the back isn't on yet.. but I hand sewed each one.. it's work , but if you can do it, it will be worth it!!
Good luck with the quilting.
I saw your "dream fridge" picture. A loooong time ago an ex-boyfriend and me were apt. hunting and came across an apt. which was situated above a photgraphy studio. It had a PINK kitchen...pink fridge, stove and even black & pink tiled flooring...We didn't take the apt. (I wantd to, he didn't), but I'll never forget the appliances!!
Thanks for the memory!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah so cute, defenitely the centrefold this month. I like the idea of the egg, if you painted some smaller ones they would be perfect as ornaments on an Easter tree.
So fun that you are getting into quilting. I do not have the patience for it (says the girl who does the cross stitching) but I certainly love the finished items.
The egg is too cute! You are so talented. I just got my Easter decorations out last night- I wish they would put themselves up! I dabbled in quilting- not too good at it, but I am getting back into x stitiching and that is fun for me. Have a great day!
Love the bunny egg! No, not playboy---just a sophisticated diva like bunny :) Queen of the Bunnies!
Oh love the egg. Quilting I always wanted to learn it looks like a lot of fun and alot of time lol!
that egg is awesome! i love her necklace!!! i want to learn to quilt too. maybe someday!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!Got your note btw, your too funny!!!
aww the egg is too cute!!
I love all the Easter goodness. I think it's cool you're taking up quilting. When I was younger, I demanded only quilts on my beds. They're so much lighter and cozier.
How cute is that egg? I love it sis! You are so creative and it shows every time you make something special:) And by the way, you better start packing because I'm jumping on that bandwagon too - come home!!!!!
Very cute, Michelle. Oh, and I am so excited about your quilting and I promise you this, you are going to be so addicted! Fabric shopping is awesome. Have fun, sweet one!
I've just strolled through your charming blogs for my first visit and definitely not my last. I've bookmarked you a fav.
I adore Kitties! I wanted to ask permission to use one of your kitty photos. The kitty who's had a bit to much cake. I couldn't find a contact address. Could you please email me at... sarasweetsurprise@yahoo.com
Thank you!
Sweet Wishes,
OMG!! I LOVE your DARK BUNNY!!! Hmmmm... You will love quilting and you will add it to one of your addictions!!! Hugs.
I don't think she looks like a playboy bunny... that isn't a bow tie :-) I think she is cute.
Love your sidebar photos. Love your mood gals.
I luv ur egg bunny! Paint a wooden egg, so clever! I always hate when we have to crack open our boiled eggs.
No it ok like the playboy bunny and so what if it does..LOL! I made mini quilts with peices of my kid's baby pyjamas. It stops there though- as I too have no patience for them. Happy Spring!
Sandy xox
I am playing middle man... my friend Cindy Ruth at Baked Alaska has passed you a fabulous award. She is having trouble getting in touch with you.
Stop in at Baked Alaska to pick it up!
I quilted years ago... when I had time on my hands. Have fun with it!
love the egg! i don't think it looks like a playboy bunny. i think it would be cute with some glitter!
How clever are you.... You are amazing.
That came out awesome.
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