Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Cake And My Victorian Trading Co. Catalog Came!

I thought I'd try something new to bring to my paranormal group meeting. I made strawberry cake and chocolate frosting. Oh yummm! This wasn't homemade though. Sometimes you just gotta go with the good 'ol boxed cake and then make it all pretty! :)

After licking some chocolate from the spoon, I needed a glass of this....

Also, I was excited to see that my Victorian Trading Company catalog had come! Here are just a few things that already caught my eye.

Hope you all are having a nice Sunday night. I am FINALLY relaxing a bit this evening.


Tulip Bliss said...

Are those chocolate chips or Hersey Kisses on the cake?

Michelle said...

Chocolate chips. :) I was good. Only ate 1 piece! I'm terrible. I take advantage of gatherings to make "bad" stuff then leave the rest for everyone to eat. Lol!

AndreaLeigh said...

strawberry cake and chocolate icing sounds delish to me!

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest idea...I never thought to make cute little cake loaves. You know what I'll be making tomorrow.... :) Also, I've never heard of the Victorian Trading Co. Magazine...where have I been! Have a great week :)

Michelle said...

Oops, Hippiedog, it's actually a catalog not magazine! Sorry! I just fixed my title. Anyway, it's a wonderful catalog if you haven't seen it yet. I could go broke ordering wrecklessly. :)

Anya said...

Strawberry cake I never taste that, sonds good:))
How is it with Emma is she doing well after the Vet ??

Tracey said...

Michelle, I really like your little cakes and the individual looks of each one..very creative. And the combination.. how come I never thought of this?? Catalogs,, gotta love 'em!! I don't think I've ever seen Victorian Trading.. thanks for posting about it..have a great week ahead!

The Blonde Duck said...

I LOVE those cakes!

Shirley said...

Looks delicious. I haven't seen the catalog but it looks wonderful. I'm addicted to catalogs...just love looking through them. For a while I was getting so many it was ridiculous. I had to request removal from some of the mailing lists.

Zaroga said...

The cakes look delish! I'm watching the sugar around here right now... so sugar-free dark chocolate pudding is dessert and I savor each small mouthful.

Joy said...

I never thought of strawberry cake and chocolate frosting-- and here I thought I was so wild--guess I'm actually mild. Victorian Trading Co. catalog has the most beautiful items--what have you decided you can't live without? You had a pleasant Sunday!

Wanda said...

Those cakes are delightful.

Heather said...

yummy! those cakes look delicious!!!

Kathleen said...

OMG Where is my Victorian Trading Catalog. I will be in withdrawel if it dosen't get here soon. Love their stuff. Your cakes look so yummy. i love cake, but hate making them. Hugs, Kathleen

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

There you go again!!! Would you stop, I have baked more cakes and cookies since I have known you than I want to say!!!! Talk soon, Chrissy

vanillasugarblog said...

I'm with you! Almost all the things I bake go right to hubbys' office. Once in a great while they stay home with momma to e devoured.
Nothing like strawberry & chocolate. You know I can't wait for those giant, sweet strawberries to come out to dip in chocolate. Ahhhh.

Joanne Kennedy said...

YUM! Chocolate and strawberry! What could be better.

Hey, I have a tip for you when you want to make a homemade cake but don't have the time.

Add about 3 large Tbs. of sour cream to your mix and use milk rather then water. It will give it the homemade taste and texture.

Also, next time you make the strawberry cake try using strawberry nectar rather then water. It gives it a stronger strawberry flavor too.


Anonymous said...

These cakes look amazing!

Elaine said...

Yum. That cake sounds delish! How come I didn't get MY Victorian Trading catalog yet? I love that store.

Anonymous said...


Your Cakes are Beautiful... I bet they tasted Awesome... mmmmmm...

I haven't peeked at a V.T. catalog in ages... I really should get back on their mailing list... always so many amazing things to dream about!


Tea Time With Melody said...

Oh those look delicious. I got my Victorian Trading magazine too and I too love the cupcake plates. Aren't they great! I am seriously thinking about a couple of sets of those.

♥zoe♥ said...

WOW! the chocate dipped strawberry cake seem so yummy to me! I wish to have a great BIG bite *hehe*


Lisa M. McGainey said...

All I have to say is what does a girl have to get some of those yummy cakes!