Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How Are You Going to Decorate Your Eggs?

I am going to try a couple methods this year and IF they turn out decent, I will post them. :) What kind are you planning to make? Will you glitter your eggs, naturally dye them, decoupage them? In the meantime, here's some eye candy for you I found from the internet for ideas.

The one above courtesy of Martha Stewart Living (cuz I don't want to get in trouble with that woman) :)
I'm already ready for this week to be over with. I have a few fun projects I want to get done this weekend like possibly painting a table red? :)


Anya said...

Well I do not know how to decorate my eggs this year :(
But you got me a lot of ideas given :))))
Thanks .... I love many colors, you have than a nice colorful dish with eggs on the table.
Nice idea rich post today :))))

Tracey said...

Oh Michelle, I love the turquoise ones and the orangey ones..(is that a word?)..oh and your pin-up has me curious!! Have a good day.. blessings to you..Tracey

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle... Girl, you cracked me up with your "Martha" comment about not wanting to get in trouble with that woman... LOL

Eye Candy, indeed... those are some aweome looking eggs... thanks for sharing them... When time allows, come visit please... I did a post a few days ago about Vintage Egg decorations...

I noticed your pin-up, too... sending hugs your way... Give all of your fur-babies some lovin' from me, please...
God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Kathleen said...

Hi Michelle....I have never dyed eggs...maybe this is the year to start. I really like the idea of adding glitter.....glitter is always good. Yup, I noticed the pin-up too! Hugs, Kathleen

Heather said...

well our eggs will be dyed by you know who so i don't think they will look quite like any of those, lol. although she did do a pretty good job last year with the exception of plopping them into the dyed water and splashing it EVERYWHERE, lol.

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

Hi Michelle, I love your all of your eggs. It's hard to choose a favorite, but I really do love the very first ones in blue and white. Have a happy day!

FarmHouse Style said...

On the cover of my Martha Stewart there is a picture of softly colored pastel eggs with decoupage chicks and Peter Rabbit figures. I think I may try that this year.

Glad you stopped by for a visit the other day. It is very nice to meet you:-)


Caroline said...

Ah Michele, inspirational as ever. I will most probably naturally dye my eggs and possible throw in some flowers, leaves silhouettes for good measure. Although... I fancy the idea of loads of extremely colourful eggs as well...

The Blonde Duck said...

My eggs would never be that cute. Ben would eat them before they'd get decorated.

And you should write! I'd love to see it!

Noodlegirl said...

Aiii I never decorated any egg too busy eating the cute chocolates in the stores!

Squirrelly bread is one of those non flour bread something like flex bread! See nothing to do in Ashland I spend too much at the grocery store and find all these stuff!

Tracey said...

Michelle,,never settle.. life is too short. Being your own company is better than being with someone who doesnt' apprceciat all of your qwirks and such. My husband accepts me even though we are very different.. I'm loud,,he's quiet.. I'm a talker, he isn't . I love to travel, he'd rather stay home. But we've embraced our diffeneces and learned to love them.. keep searching.. no don't .. He will find you!

Patti said...

I love decorating eggs and have tried various ways but always return to the $.99 Paaz kits. Love 'em!!! What's up with the pin-up?

Sit A Spell said...

I love all those eggs! I just don't do a very good job with them. I always have finger prints and other items on them that are unwanted!

The biscuit recipe looks wonderful. We always make ours homemade, but a friend of mine mentioned the same box mix you did.

I love the pretty plate from below...who made it? China dishes is my downfall.

Hisako Hill said...

I definitely go for the blue and white porcelin look!!
They look awsome!! Good post,Shelle.



Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I love the blue eggs in the first picture! I don't decorate eggs anymore...but if I could make them looks like those blue eggs, I just might try!

jen said...

Hi Michelle!
I'm glad you liked my doves! My Grandma loved doves, I'm always reminded of her when I see them! I love the fact that they mate for life!
As for eggs...I love the silk tie method. Saw it on martha stewart last year. They turned out great!!! And it was SOOOOO easy!
Thank you for your sweet comments.
Your blog is so charming...just like you!!


Anya said...

Thanks for your compliments. LOL
I also do not like personal photos to publish, I do not know why.HEHE
But in Greece are so many street cats that you can not imagine so much.

Good night.....

Anonymous said...

We got Ameraucana hens, which lay blue and green eggs, so that we never have to dye eggs again. ;>

As usual, Martha's craft is the one I drooled over the most.

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Wow! Those blue and white "china" eggs in that first pic are GORGEOUS!

My girls are "egg"sperts at the decorating. This year they intend to make all-natural food dyes and delight us with edible art of a most subtle palette. : D

Joy said...

LOL, Michelle, at first glance, I thought the title was 'How are you going to donate your eggs?' ah geeze. crazy me. I keep myself laughing. Those eggs are beautiful, I like the 3rd photo. Oh, and the cat prints---I like the one with the cat's claws sliding down the wall. And my first thought was that it does look like you, before you even said it!

Coach Z said...

Glad you are bring it up early, Michelle!! I want to do something different and get away from the "retail dip and dry". These ideas are good for inspiration... as well as starting early. Sometimes, I am so busy, things are last minute. Rush, Rush, Rush... and not anything near what I had planned!! I appriciate the entry! Thank you.

Anne Marie said...

Well HI!
Those blue and white eggs are just awesome (truly showing my age here)
totally rad :) hee hee

AndreaLeigh said...

those are beautiful pictures! you know, i haven't decided. my eggs always turn out a hot mess.

Dawn Marie Howard said...

Can you tell me more about the second from top? Where did you find that? I love those!! I tried to click on the pictures, but no go.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Love your post! I have a blog too and just wrote about Easter eggs today as well. You can check it out here:


Also, this is a nice craft from our site (I'm the editor of a design website, www.styleathome.com):
